Chapter 1 - SNAFU

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"Yo, Brandon! Got any plans today?"

"No, but I assume you do, Seth?"

"Yep! I just got my allowance yesterday, wanna come to the mall with me?"

"I'd love to! Oh! We should invite Kristy too!"

"You always wanna hang out with Kristy. You got a thing for her?"

"Y-yeah... but don't tell her!"

"I would never! You tell her when you're good and ready!"

"Thanks, man... So, should we get going? I'm sure everyone else is also gonna be heading to the mall."

"You're right! Let's find Kristy and head over!"

Ever since I started high school, all I hear is this! 'Let's go to the mall!' 'wanna come to my house after school?' 'can't, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend.' It's like I'm being taunted for not having friends! But honestly, it's not a problem for me. Sure, it'd be nice to have friends. But in my current situation, finding people who aren't losers would be damn near impossible!

I left class, making my way through a crowded, locker-filled hallway. Trying to get to the second floor where my locker was. But on the way, I spotted a bulletin board with several flyers and posters. Many of which were for clubs.

People in clubs are usually cool, maybe I should take a look.

"Hmmm... Uhhh... Oh... anime club..."

Anime clubs are what happens when you get a group of bullying victims and tell them to be themselves. I will never join an anime club ever again!

None of the other clubs interested me, most of them were just sports, which I don't enjoy. So I headed to the second floor staircase and began heading up.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

Someone's in a hur-



What happened?! Did the ceiling collapse?! Ah, I can't see, and everything is in pain!


Someone fell on me! And judging by the ear-piercing scream, it's a girl.

"Holy shit! What happened?!"

"Is that girl OK?!"

Oh, shit, sounds like a crowd is forming!


Was that someone's phone?! Damn it! I'm not gonna be humiliated like this! Gotta move...! Damn that hurts!


Several people just came down the staircase.

"What happened?!"


"Do you need help?!"


"OK, you want me to lift you up?"


"Leave this to me! Haaa!"

I can see again!

"There's someone under her!"

What the?! The guy carrying her is dressed like an anime villain! Who the hell is he!

"Are you OK?!"

Abby from gym class? Does she know this girl?

"No! Your friend fell on me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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