A day with luffy

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Your p.o.v
Luffy ran out the door with big smile on his face zoro trailing not far behind him. "YEAH A NEW ADVENTURE" luffy screamed out.
I smiled at his happiness. "So who wants stay on the ship?" Nami asked.

No surprise usopp raised his hand.
"Awe is your scaredy cat syndrome acting up?" I teased him. I got a death glare from usopp. I heard luffy laugh from behind me. I turned around to see luffy with a big smile.

That's strange he'd be gone by now?
"Alright let's get out of here" nami said.  I jumped off the ship and started walking. I looked to my left to see luffy walking next to me. I stopped walking and that made luffy stop walking. "What are you doing?" I asked him "I wanna hang out with you y/n. Is that okay?" Luffy said.

Luffy wants to hang out with me? On this island?  My stomach swam with butterflies just thinking about it "Sure luffy that's fine" I said. He gave me a heart worming smile. "Great so where to?" Luffy asked  "the beach" I said.

He tilted his head in confusion "but were devil fruit users we could drown" luffy said. "There's other things to do on the beach other than swimming luffy there's building sand castle's to" I said. Luffy gave me a small smile. "Okay" luffy said

He wrapped his right arm around my waist and his left arm started stretching. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach. "Luffy what are you doing we could just walk" I said. He shook his head no. "That will take to long" luffy said and before I couldn't say anything else luffy slung us all the way to the beach.

Luffy p.o.v
I landed on the beach with y/n tightly holding on to me. I felt a flutter in my heart. She let go of me after a few seconds and then the flutter was gone. "Okay luffy let's build sand castle's" y/n said walking in front of me.

I followed close behind. Y/N found a place so we can build sand castle's. We sat across from each other and started building. I really don't care to do this I just wanted to spend time with y/n. I looked up from castle building to see a smiling y/n looking down. I smiled at her knowing that she's happy makes me happy.

After an hour of building castle's we decided to get some food because we were starving. "I hope there's one close by I'm hungry" I said rubbing my stomach. Y/n laughed at me "oh my you are such a child" y/n said with a giggle. "Am not" I said looking at her
"Am too" y/n said getting closer to my face. We stared at each other until we broke it by laughing.

After walking a while we made it to a restaurant. "I WANT MEAT" I yelled once y/n and i sat down. Everyone gave us annoyed looks but we didn't care. Y/N started laughing putting her hand over mouth. "I'm confused what's funny?" I questioned. Few seconds later she calmed down enough to answer. "I don't know I'm just happy to be here with you luffy" y/n said.

I felt heat go up my cheeks. I'm very happy she's happy. Y/N started turning  red again I pulled my hand towards her head "you feeling alright?" I asked y/n. She took my hand away from her head "yes it's kinda hot in here" y/n said. Before I could say anything the waitress came and took our order and left.

Your p.o.v
After we were done eating luffy decided to do luffy things. Luffy decided it be a great idea if he stuck his straw in his mouth. "Luffy you look ridiculous" I said trying hold back my smile but failed miserably.

I shook my head. I got up from my seat. "Come on luffy we gotta get back to the ship its getting late" I said. Luffy took his straw out and started pouting at me. "But I don't wanna go back to the ship" luffy whined like a baby.

I chuckled at his cuteness. "We do something tomorrow but luffy it's getting dark out" I said grabbing his head turning it to the window so he could look how dark it's getting.

Luffy huffed "fine but I'm choosing what we do tomorrow" luffy said with pleading eyes. I smiled at him "sure you can pick next time" I said. Luffy gave me a big smile and hug. I felt electricity going through my body when he hugged me.

We finally arrived at the ship after an hour or so. I told luffy he should sling shot us at the ship but he quickly denied my offer.

"Where have you two been?" Nami questioned us "we went to the beach and ate and took the long way home" I said with the shurg of my shoulder's
Nami's angry face turned into a smrik.

"Anyway I'm tired I'm going to bed" luffy said with a yawn. Nami looked at me with a giving me details look. "Nothing happened nami we are just friends" I said walking towards girls bedroom seeing robin already asleep.

"Yeah but you want something to happened don't you" nami asked.
I took off my shirt now only wearing a bra and shorts. "I mean yes but it can't because luffy is our boss" I said. Nami looked at me with a are you serious look "you are going to ruin things for yourself" I titled my head "Why's that?" I asked.

Nami rolled her eyes at me. "Because you are not letting yourself have your own happiness luffy makes you happy allow luffy make you happy. Be happy with him" nami said then went to the bed.

I changed into pj pants and went to sleep the last thing I thought about what nami said to me.

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