Chapter 1: The Beginning.

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By two o'clock, I pulled up in my Honda Pilot to a private house that my colleagues and I had converted into an orphanage, since we had received permission for monthly assistance from the government and had purchased all the equipment and furniture. Our orphanage was called Princess, we had opened not too long ago, and I arrived to discuss the occupancy of our home. I got out of the car and headed to the beautiful wooden doors of our house, as suddenly, not reaching a couple of steps to the porch, the door opens and from there appears Grace one of my colleagues, she stops on the edge of the porch and immediately begins to speak in a gentle voice:
-Hello Mr. George, I decided to give you a tour of our house, it's your first time here, isn't it?
-Hello Grace, yes for the first time in a long time, I decided to come to see how you have everything done here, well, as I see from the outside everything is done very well, as in the castle.-I answered.
-I ask you to follow me, I will show and tell you everything. -Grace invited me.
After Grace showed me everything, we went to my office. Two of my colleagues Lucy and Sarah were already sitting in my office. I said hello, sat down at my desk across from them and immediately began:
- "Well, congratulations on the opening.
- Thank you and the same to you." They said.
-Well I noted at this point 2 important things are finding new employees and our so to speak "customers", in the first question it would be Grace and in the second we are in the 3rd. -I noted.
-Good. -the colleagues replied.
After Grace left the office and went in search of employees, and we with Lucy and Sarah began to solve the issue with the children.
-Does anyone have any suggestions for this? -I asked.
After my question Lucy opened her notebook and began to look for something, then found it and began to tell me.
-There is a house on Ivanovskaya, there are a lot of children running around, but there are two girls 5 and 7 years old, who still wet their pants, their parents themselves asked to give them to the orphanage, because they have no time to deal with them.
-How can parents not have time for their own children! -I was indignant.
-Their family has 8 children, the father works, the mother is a housewife, we asked the neighbors how they are doing, they said that the mother often beats them, more often the older ones, but sometimes beats the little ones too, when they have guests, they become a good family.
-How can you treat children like that?! -I was outraged.
-That's where we'll go!!! -said I.
We got in the Pilot, attached the child seats and went to pick up the kids. When we arrived, there were already a lot of kids there. As soon as we entered the property, we were immediately greeted by the owners on the doorstep, invited into the house and then to the table. While we were sitting and drinking tea, listening to stories about the children and much more, these girls came running up, and suddenly I noticed a wet spot on the tights of the eldest of them.
-Did you pee your pants?! -I asked the girl.
The girl shyly, lowered her head shook it and squeezed out of herself and said: - No
-But I see a wet spot on your tights. -I insisted.
She blushed with shame and lowered her head without answering me.
-Come on, don't worry, it happens. - I encouraged the girl.
I got up from the table and asked the girls to come with me to the sofa, the children all went out so there was almost no one in the house, we sat on the sofa and I asked
-Do you like it here? - I asked the girls - knowing that of course they will say that they like it here because mom, dad and brothers are here, but for me it was not expected when the girls said.
-No! Brothers hurt us and call us names, mom hits us and dad locks us in the toilet when we...
The girl's head was down again and I saw that she was going to cry, I stroked her head and said in her ear.
-We'll take you away from here to a place where you'll be loved and respected.
She lifted her head and looked at me, her eyes changed, she hugged me and said in my ear.
-Thank you.
I asked the girls to go pack their things, and I went to the table, took out the papers for the parents to sign, and put them in front of them, they didn't even hesitate to sign them. I asked for the children's papers, the mother got up, opened the closet, took them out and gave them to me. I went to the nursery, where the girls collected their things and stood in the doorway waiting for them, as suddenly my phone rang, it was Grace, I picked up the phone and put it to my ear.
-Alo Mr. George, it's Grace, I'm calling to tell you that I've found female employees and they'll come for an interview today.
-Okay, Grace, I'll be sure to see and listen to them.
-Will you come to the orphanage "Solnyshko"? They asked me to move their daughter to our orphanage?
-Okay, I'll be sure to stop by.
Also Grace told the news that these parents were not native, but adopted, and then I realized why the parents wanted to get rid of them so easily, and the girls so easily agreed. We finished the conversation and just gathered the girls, they said goodbye to the "parents", we put them in child seats in the car and went to pick up the girl from the orphanage "Sunshine".
-We arrived at the store, Lucy and Sarah got out of the car and said they could do the shopping themselves, the girls asked to go with them, but I refused and told them to sit in the car, they resentfully leaned against the backs of the seats and continued to sit like that until Lucy came and gave them a bag of sweets. While Lucy was treating the girls, I helped Sarah to carry the chair and put it down, Sarah was also carrying some bags, but I didn't bother to ask what was there, because we were in a hurry, Sarah put the bags in the trunk, got in the car and we continued our way to "Sunny".
When we arrived there, the director Valentina Dmitrievna met us, we greeted each other and went to her office to discuss the transfer. We went into her office and I started right away:
-Handsome office and the whole orphanage in general, well-maintained.
-Thank you, Mr. George, it's very nice to hear that from you. - she thanked me.
-It is interesting such a large, beautiful orphanage why do you want to transfer your student to us and why her. - I asked
-Although our orphanage seems big, but there are no places for children, and why her, because she is a spoiled girl, and your assistant said that your orphanage will cope with her upbringing in a good way.
I didn't even know about it, but I showed the opposite and agreed to take the girl.
We went down to their room (in this orphanage children lived in rooms of 4 people), there sat only one girl, I went to her and asked her what her name was, but she answered me with silence. I sat down next to her and started to tell her like in an advertisement:
-In our orphanage all dreams come true, if you want ice cream, here, if you want a toy, we bought it.
After a long silence, she finally said:
-And is it true? You can buy me everything with everything I want -With more and more she raised her head with a dreamy face at the end turning her head and face to me.
-But basically, yes almost everything. - I told her.
-Then I want to come to you, because it's *boring* here, -she said in a whisper, so that the principal wouldn't hear.
-"Well, that'll be when you tell me who you are. - I said teasingly and poked her on the nose with my finger.
-I'm Anya, I'm 5 years old, I love unicorns- -she told us about herself.
Then we packed with Anya and went to the car, she said goodbye to her friends, we put her in the car and went to our ''castle''. On the way Anya met Lera and Masha (the first girls we picked up), and we chatted the whole way. When we arrived we went into the house, the girls were sent to the room for the new arrivals, and we went to my office. When we got there Grace was already sitting there waiting for us, I sat down in my chair and we all started talking about our cases with the orphanage and sharing comments about the children, and suddenly I remembered and asked Grace about the girl from the orphanage "Solnyshko".
-Grace, why did the director of tlhe orphanage "Solnyshko" say that Anya will be re-educated properly here? Do you want to beat children? Or do you have some other methods here? - I asked, with an angry look.
-What are you, Mr. George?! We were never going to beat children, if only in very rare cases, and we will bring up only kindness and care. - Grace explained to me with a frightened look.
-Oh sorry to scare you just I want the children here to be like in the most favorite family. - Apologizing and explaining I said.
-You're sorry that I did not tell you what will work here and how it will work, but be sure that the children here will be in full love and safety. - Grac told me.
-It's good Grace because you stay here in charge, because I'm leaving for a few weeks, maybe a month. - I warned the employees.
For Grace it was not unexpected, and she even fell into a small stupor, and Lucy and Sarah clapped congratulating her.
-Okay girls, I'm off, have a good job, I'll be back in a few weeks. - I said goodbye and left the office.
I got into my car and headed to the airport.
When I got there I sat there for a while and then I passed the control, took a bus to the plane and then got on it and went on vacation, hoping to have a good rest, but how wrong I was......

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