Yarns and Inklings

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Dear Reader, I  simply want to say,

(Before the thought fades away),

 How this collection of short stories were written,

When I was idly sittin',

And day-dreaming.

 Very soon, my head was teaming,

With ideas; I knew I had to write them down,

Or else they would simply drown,

In various thoughts and dreams of mine.

So, I started to pen the thoughts down,

Before, by other things, they could be run-down.

Soon, they turned into lovely, little, poems and tales.

After I was done, I read it, and added the missing details.

So, reader, now you know,

How these tales and poems of mine did grow.

Dear  reader, I truly hope you enjoy these poems and stories,

Which come from several of my thought inventories!





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