Shattered glass

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Y/n's POV:
After a long tiring journey to the Swiss Alps i was finally in a car on my way to the castle that rised at the top of the hill. "You know, you don't seem like the kind of people that i usually transport to the hill". Said the driver out of nowhere. "Is that so?" I said with a light smile. "I mean you seem rich, you seem like you have a really tiring job, but you seem rather....young..."... he said while looking in the rear view mirror. I looked at him weirdly but amused "well i won't be staying for long, i'm just visiting, and if you can call putting up with my fathers shit' a job then yes i have a tiring work" i said. "You know most of the people that come here don't want to leave this place" he said. "I mean it is really captivating... i wonder what is the history behind this place" i said. As he was telling me about the Baron's obsession of keeping the bloodline pure so he married and raped his own sister...which made me almost puke to be honest, i saw a car bolt out of the turn right infront of us. "LOOK OUT!" Was the only thing i could make out before the car went flying...... Everything hurts...ughh what happened... "Sir?.....sir! Are you alright?" I managed to get out of the car and crawled towards the man lying on the ground, his leg positioned in a weird way that looked like it hurts...must be broken. I tried to yell for help, but it was pointless, no one up there would hear me, i slowly started loosing conciousness and my vision went black.

When i woke up the light was hurting my eyes. I got used to it after a while and saw a nurse stocking up some clothes in the dresser that i supposed were for me. I looked around the room confused and i laid my eyes upon a very handsome man. "Good afternoon miss Smith, i'm glad you woke up" He said in a thick german accent. Still looking at him i said "W-what happened, and how do you know my name?" I asked. "You got into a bad car accident caused by one of our drivers" He moved closer to my bed and pulled the covers off of my body. "Leaving you with quite a lot of bruises and " he touched my leg "you have got a sprained ankle too" he said and then moved his hand to hold mine. "I am doctor Volmer, director of this place" he said before giving my hand a kiss. I have a strange feeling about this man. I smiled polietly at him as he still held the eye contact. After a few seconds of awkward silence he decided it will be at best to leave me rest, i quickly remembered what i was here for "W-wait doctor Volmer, my father, he is here, i need to see him " . He turned around "And who happens to be your father miss Smith"? He asked..."My father is doctor Charles Smith, he is supposed to be here for his week off" i said. He looked at me with surprised face "Really? Just a week?" He asked, i laughed "Well i was hoping for at least two weeks, he can be a handfull sometimes"... "Well miss Smith i can guarantee that he will never want to leave this place". That was weird...i laughed it off and smiled at him weirdly. "But for now, you need to rest, if you need anything, please push the button next to you, and nurse will be there in no time" He gave me a smile "And one more thing, don't forget to drink a lot of water" With that he walked out of the room and the door shut. I looked at the glass of water on the night stand, picked it up and drank it whole, i was about to put it down when i saw something moving on the glass rim, it looked like some kind of bug but it had a small tail. I scrunched my face in disgust but i just set the glass down and closed my eyes to try to sleep. Little did i knew, that it was only the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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