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I had been whisked off by Alexander to this plush restaurant located far enough for us to enjoy our first proper date together. Emulating a loved up couple, who frequently went for meals together. Sneaking around hadn't bothered me until now, when I was able to freely enjoy his company without the nagging worry of being caught.

I constantly reminded myself that this wasn't reality, and that our lives still existed only miles away from where we were. We weren't together or married, like many of the other people scattered through out the room. Though, it didn't hurt to pretend, even for a night, that he was unwaveringly mine.

It was captivating just watching the man before me, as he spoke about his recent work trip and how irritating each board member had been. After all being CEO, not to mention the legal issues he handles and my father as his lawyer, work never is easy, which is why I want to be able to give him a distraction and excitement, outside of his office life.

'And I'm going to stop talking about work now, because I don't want to waste my time with you over that shit.' He spoke, lifting his glass to his lips, as he finished off his rant.

I chuckled at him, as I had been enjoying seeing him get so passionate about his distain for his colleagues. Not mention the scowl across his face, as he recalled each refined detail that got on his nerves.

'Awh no! I was enjoying it! You're actually quite cute when you're annoyed.' I spoke with a bright smile bound to my face, overcome with giddiness around him.

'Cute? That's a first.' He said with amused huff, testing the word as if he was unfamiliar with it, 'I normally try to be scary or angry.'

'I have never found you scary. Like when you get angry, I just think it's cute or funny. But if you're angry with me, then I just think you're a dick.' I attempted to explain myself, to point out the fact I didn't fear or feel threatened by him.

'I will take it on the chin. I know I can be a dick, when I want to be.' He raised his palms in a playful surrender, smirking at me. 'That's one of my favourite things about you.'

'You don't tiptoe around me or try to suck up to me. It's fucking refreshing.' He continued.

The smile that was lingering on my cheeks lit up again, as he surprised me with his words and praised me, despite my initial blunt comment. Fighting with myself not to analyse it too much, I scavenged my brain for an acceptable way to reply to such a statement.

'I'm just being honest. I have no reason to lie to you or to try and kiss your ass.'

'So, are you saying you never lied to me?' Arching his eyebrow mockingly, to try catch me out.

'Yes. I might not tell you everything, but wouldn't lie.' I shrugged half heartedly, convinced by the words I spoke.

'You're definitely a smart girl. You only tell people as much as you want them to know. It's the same thing I do.' He poured out refills of wine into our glasses, as he near enough spoke to himself.

I dragged my eyes over his arms, as he held the bottle to pour, examining every detail on his muscular forearms, beginning to travel up. I made it to the taut black sleeves entrapping his biceps before I regained consciousness at how I blatantly began checking him out.

'Were you complimenting me or yourself?' I chided, reaching out for the delicate stem of my glass.

'Ehh both. But mainly you of course.' He countered, with a cheeky grin deepening his stubbled shadow surrounding his mouth.

'Wow, I'm flattered. It would be my dream to be as clever as yours truly one day.' I feigned flattery, brushing it aside.

Even though, my heart clinched at the compliment about my brain, and not beauty, I wasn't equipped in how to accept it without dripping sarcasm through out my words.

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