Chapter 11

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The day ended with Jungkook and Seokjin walking on their way home.

"I did not know that Jiminie-hyung have graceful moves and he can dance. Namjoon-hyung is also very smart. Kookie, how did you do in school before?"

Jungkook coughed as he did not have the same talents as Jimin and Namjoon in school. Even though he had to study because of Mr. Kim's demands, he is just more on physical strength than academics.


"That's boring." Seokjin answered. "I'm sure you were doing good at school as well before."

"Not that important for me." Jungkook said.

"Then, what is important for you?"

Jungkook stopped walking. Seokjin did the same then looked at Jungkook. "Protecting you and making sure you are safe at all times. I believe I am good at that." Jungkook said, then started walking as if he did not make Seokjin blush.

"Kookie!" Seokjin said then followed Jungkook again.

He was then quiet thinking about what Jungkook mentioned.


"I need to visit a friend in Seoul." Jungkook told Namjoon after their dinner and when Seokjin was in his room. "I'll take Jimin with me. Make sure Seokjin is safe." Jungkook said that night.

Namjoon nodded.

Jimin drove the car to the address Jungkook put in the screen of the car. He realized where they are going based on the address. He looked at Jungkook with questioning eyes.

"I need to know who are the Mafia groups in Seoul right now." Jungkook explained.

"Fine. Whatever you say." He said then drove to the address.

Men in black suit started blocking their way when they were at the entrance of the place.

Jungkook opened his window down and showed his face to the men.

"I have an appointment with Eun Woo." He said with blank face.

After saying his name, Eun Woo went out and asked what the commotion was about. Jungkook saw him only in his robe with cigarette on his hand.

Jungkook opened his door and got down of the vehicle.

Eun Woo licked his lips. "It's been a long time, Jeon." He said.

The men gave way for Jungkook and someone asissted Jimin to the parking. Jimin opened his window and Jungkook told him to wait outside.

Jimin nodded.

Eun Woo assisted Jungkook inside his own office room.

"I am sure that you are here to visit me for something special. It's the first time you've been here anyway." Eun Woo said as soon as he and Jungkook sat down on his sofa.

He started playing with Jungkook's tie as he put his leg on Jungkook's. He started untying his robe to show Jungkook what is underneath.

"I am not here to play." Jungkook strictly said holding Eun Woo's writs to stop him from playing with his tie.

Eun Woo rolled his eyes. He stood up and poured whisky on the two glasses served to him and gave Jungkook one glass.

"Eversince that young boy turned 18, you were all business. You forgot about having fun." He said sitting again beside Jungkook but now with space.

"I am here to know all the groups who visited your place recently. Having the most famous escort service in town, I am sure a lot visited here already."

Eun Woo opened his side table and gave Jungkook an envelope. "I knew you would ask for it." He said.

Jungkook opened the envelope and saw some pictures and names of the Mafia groups who are in Seoul.

"Those were all the Mafia groups who visited our place. The Midnight Dragon from the west is whom you have to be more vigilant. They have a thing about the Fierce Phoenix since years ago and I heard they are sending people to watch over your doll. The Urban Fox is the best ally you can get amongst all of them as they have high respects for the Kim's. The Black Eagle can be an ally, too, as they were helped many times by Heechul and they only speak good things about Mr. Kim and the doll. This, though..." Eun Woo said pointing at a man he just saw. "...their group is new but very strong. The White Tiger. The son of the leader is in the same school as your doll. It would be best if Heechul gets to plan things with the Tigers so that he can know them better and understand if they are an ally or a foe. I don't think it's a lot for you to do since these are just few Mafia groups and most of them were allies."

"Thank you. This is very helpful." Jungkook said, putting back all the papers and pictures in the envelope.

"I believe I deserve a reward." Eun Woo said getting near Jungkook.

"Reward you will get." Jungkook said then kissed Eun Woo's cheek. "But that's all I can give." He said.

Eun Woo scoffed at him. "You're boring. I'm sure you are only interested in that pretty doll of yours."

Jungkook nodded. "Thank you for this again." He said, keeping the envelope with him and standing up from his position and opened the door.

"I'll update you if I'll see more people." Eun Woo said as they walked towards the parking space.

"Will appreciate that." Jungkook said looking at Eun Woo.

"Can't you stay for the night?" Eun Woo asked playing again with Jungkook's tie as Jimin parked in front of them.

"No. I have school tomorrow." He said.

"School? Wow! You really got serious in protecting your doll.  You've changed a lot but I like it." Eun Woo said then suddenly closing their gap for a quick peck on Jungkook's lips. "You are more attractive being over protective towards your doll." He said then let him go.

Jimin acted as if he did not see it, while Jungkook fixed his tie and immediately went inside the car.

Jimin looked at him but did not say anything.

On their way back, Jungkook opened his window and smoked his cigarette. He was trying to avoid anyone touching him but this is a price he had to pay if he really wants to make Seokjin safe.

Eun Woo looked at the car that was slowly disappearing from his view.

"Hm, interesting. I might visit the school soon. I would love to see him and his doll. It's been a long time since the last time I saw you, doll. Maybe this time we can meet and know why you keep winning." He said then went back to his place.

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