[ 1 ] | 'Stop shoving that contract in my face'|

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| Hanni's p.o.v. |

"Hanni, I don't understand why you are working here? When you can apply for a much better job." Jennie said.

Jennie was like my mother.

She was in her mid-forties, nice black long hair, with eyes that shined everywhere and anywhere.

Jennie was a waitress here at Bailey's Diner where I worked now. She was single, no family, and no children she said she preferred keeping it that way.

"Jennie, I wish I could but I have to pay bills my mother owes, and my father is not helping one bit he seems to forget that he has another daughter who needs him as much as the other one." I sighed.

You see, my father and mother divorced when I was 2. My father had an affair with his assistant and mom found out and nearly killed the woman with a bat.

My father filed the divorce, left my mother and I the house and decided that moving to Italy with his whore and their daughter was the best for him.

My mother became a mess, she was barely able of to take care of me, Jennie which is one of my mother's friends actually took care of me and became my mother figure.

My mom became an alcoholic, and a gambler and now thanks to her decisions we are about to lose everything even our house.

"Cherry, you should be going to college right now, enjoying parties and whatnot. Not stuck in this diner and figuring out how to pay for your mother's debts." She said shaking her head in disapproval.

"I know, but I can't do that now. I'm barely managing to stay in my house that won't really be my house if I don't pay it's mortgage soon." I snorted.

"You should accept Mr. Kim help." She said.

Mr.Kim was a man in his mid-fifties who became my father figure. He would come to the diner every day and check up on me, he would sit with me for hours and tell me about his 3 daughters.

His wife unfortunately abandoned him after giving birth to their last daughter. I never really understood how someone could be capable of leaving such a great human being.

Mr. Kim always offered me his help, but every time I rejected it because I was no gold digger and didn't want to look like one.

"That's not an option Jennie, I will never take advantage of Mr. Kim kindness, ever." I said while scribbling on my small notebook all the expenses I had.

"He knows you aren't taking advantage of him."

"Yeah he may,but his family doesn't. What if they come in here accusing me of a gold digger and opening my legs to get Mr. Kim money? No way Jose."

"But they wouldn't know who you are!" She exclaimed.

"Everything comes around, sooner than later they will find out who I am and won't treat me any more than a gold digger which I am not." I told her as I kept writing down the debts, $600 on gas,$1000 on electricity, mortgage had to many zeros I didn't want to write.

"If you don't want Kim's help then just find a Wife with money." Jennie jokingly said wiggling her eyebrows.

"No thank you, there's no attractive Women that come to this diner only old horny men, who try to take advantage of waitresses." That was true, Bailey's diner was in the middle of town so many business men usually eat here, but they're either all old, married, or perverted.

How would it actually feel to find your Princess Charming?

The woman who will just make your life a hundred times better and be there for you whenever you need her.

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