15. "Im sorry, Hephaestus."

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PERCY AND ERIKA looked at the boat ahead of them, To not die, They jumped off the boat immediately. It was like a blur moment to both of them, but when they reached the statue, they gasped, Erika coughed.

"Ew, I'm soaked in dirty water." Erika mumbled before she looked at Percy. "Did you just pull me out of there with that waterpower stuff?" She asked, looking at Percy.

Percy looked at her before he said, "No."

"Did you just - "

"I don't know, maybe? I'm figuring this out as I go."

Percy and Erika got up, "How are we supposed to get that thing down?" Percy asked.

Erika's gaze went from the shield to the throne. "These things are connected somehow." She said, "It's a machine, but how do you start the machine?"

"It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn't get up." Percy said, looking at Erika as he stood up. "All the gods tried, but the machine was too smart. It was too strong. It was too much. Even for them. Finally, they said if Hephaestus let Hera free, Aphrodite would be his wife. The chair is the bargain. One of us goes in, and the other gets the shield."

"I'll do it." Erika said with no hesitation as she began walking to the chair but was pulled back by Percy.

"What? Wait a minute." Percy said.

"Whoever goes in isn't coming out." Erika responded, looking at Percy. "That seems pretty clear."

"I know, that's why I said wait." Percy responded, still holding her arm.

"This isn't the Arch, Seaweed Brain. You're not pushing me into the stairwall again."

"Yes, I am."

"I'm not gonna let you this time. It doesn't work that way."

"It's why you're here."

"Excuse me?"

"When I was choosing my team, I told Chiron I needed someone who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me if the quest required it. He agreed. That was you, And Annabeth. However, because of Clarisse, I moved on to Annabeth's team. You and Annabeth were right, I can't believe it, but the fates were right. There's no getting around this. We dodged it at the Arch, barely, but.. maybe this isn't something you can dodge forever."

"The Oracle chose you. The gods chose you! You're the chosen one!"

"Stop! It isn't about that. Plus... Im not Harry Potter."

"What could it possibly be about if it isn't about that?"

"You're better at this than me. You just are. And you know it. Believe me, I wish there was another way this quest succeeds. I just don't see it."

Erika stayed silent, Percy took his pen out and handed it to Erika. Erika stared at the pen with shaky breath as Percy walked towards the chair.

"I need you to promise me something." Percy asked, causing Erika's gaze to go up at him.

"I'm not leaving the Underworld without your mom." Erika responded, looking at Percy as she crossed her arms.

"Thank you. I was gonna say, when this quest is done, can you maybe swing back here and try to get me outta this thing?" Percy asked, looking at Erika.

"You think you had to ask?" Erika asked, looking at Percy.

Percy tried not to smile, but Erika could see his smile appearing on his face for a second. "Just making sure." He said.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P.J & A.C × OCS☽Where stories live. Discover now