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Kateys p.o.v
"Alright let's close this up" I say happily as I have another successful surgery.

Today the patient was a young girl whose appendix had exploded, I had been the only surgeon on at the time and I had no choice but to act quickly "Well done doctor" a nurse says and I thank him quietly as  sigh "nurse Stephany I will get you so finish  cleaning the wound and take the patient to recovery I'll go talk to her parents" I walk into the next room descrubbing and  washing my hands.

I smile to myself.
Nothing was better than a successful surgery especially when it's a young life but the worst feeling..loosing a patient

I had experienced the feeling once before I moved to Charming.

Which Is also what led me to moving to Charming.

After telling the parents the good news I went back to my office  and found myself flipping through the conference brochures again for L.A
I couldn't stop thinking about it, I was so nervous to see Robert again but at the same time I wanted to prove him wrong.

A knock on my door way made me look up I smile softly throwing the information on my desk and crossing the office where I was met with a rough kiss  I sigh happily into the kiss and hug him as we pulled away "Miss me little girl?" Happy chuckles and I smile into his chest as the smell of his cologne,leather and cigarettes hits me  welcoming me in "Maybe abit" I  pull away "here to pick up your mum" he nods "I'm sure her bags are already packed" he sighs at her eagerness and I smile grabbing my I.d card and clipping it on my coat "I'll come with you"

I watch as Happy fusses over his mother talking to her quietly as she rolls her eyes and pinches his cheek making his face scrunch up  I giggle and Mrs Lownan looks at me "Thank you so much Doctor Nars for everything you have don for me" I shake my head "you are a very strong woman Mrs Lowman" she scoffs "call me Maria darling" I smile softly "Maria I want you too look after yourself I don't want to see you back in the emergency room okay?" She smiles and grabs my hands "for you my darling of course, I don't like those other doctors but you" she points at me "you saved my life" I shake my head "you make sure you rest" she laughs and hugs me tightly before looking at her son "take me home Happy" he nods and she walks out he looks at me and I smile "look after her make sure she takes her medication" he nods and steps forward kissing my forehead "I'll see you later" I feel butterflies in my stomach and my nod as he leaves the room.

After another long shift ended at the hospital I went home and ran myself a bubble bath and took a bottle of red wine with me I slip out of my scrubs kicking them to the side and I sink into the warmth "this is what I needed" I say to myself happily sipping the wine.

After another long shift ended at the hospital I went home and ran myself a bubble bath  and took a bottle of red wine with me I slip out of my scrubs kicking them to the side and I sink into the warmth "this is what I needed" I say to myself happ...

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I shut my eyes and  think about Los Angeles I couldn't believe I was going there ..luckily for me Tara had decided to come with me but I still couldn't help but be nervous "you should really lock your door" Happys low voice made me jump I gasp and look at holding my heart "Happy you scared me" he rolls his eyes "I'm serious Katey I need you to start locking your door" I stare at him for a moment I raise an eyebrow "what's the worst that could possibly happen" there was no humour on his face and the air was silent I could hear the faucet dripping every few seconds I had many questions
How didn't I hear his motorcycle approaching?
Why is he so upset about the door?
Had I fallen asleep in the bath?
Had he come straight here after leaving his mother?

I sigh

His mother

Maybe that's why he was quieter than usual?

cracking first I hold my hand out to him "fine I'll learn to lock the door" he grabs my hand rubbing my knuckles "I'm gonna go lay in bed baby, you take your time" I felt myself melt at his words nodding quietly and he smirks checking me out slowly before biting his lip "maybe don't take too long"

cracking first I hold my hand out to him  "fine I'll learn to lock the door" he grabs my hand rubbing my knuckles "I'm gonna go lay in bed baby, you take your time"  I felt myself melt at his words nodding quietly and he smirks checking me out slo...

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The next morning I didn't want to leave bed and face reality.
I was wrapped tightly in Happys arms skin to skin as he snored quietly m. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and I sigh I knew I still had so much to learn about him but I had never felt so alive around someone before "if you don't stop staring I'll have to fuck you again" he says in his morning voice with his eyes still closed  I feel my cheeks get hot "god Happy shut up" I say shoving him making him laugh  and open his eyes "say the words and I'll do it"  I roll my eyes and rest my head on his chest "I never want to move" he starts playing with my hair "I have about an hour before the phone starts ringing" he states making me pout slightly "it's okay I actually have to get up" I sit up staring at him again "Tara and I have three days before we leave I was going over to her house to make a game plan with her" he nods brushing a stray hair out of my face as his phone starts ringing he sighs as I giggle and he answers "Boss"

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