16. Framing Clarisse i see 💀

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"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPECIAL, LIGHTENING THIEF?" Percy's school, Yancy's headmaster said, "Do you think you can not be replaced? I gave you the tools to steal the master bolt, only to watch it taken from you. That mistake has been corrected. But there is too much at stake for you to fail me again. The war ahead of us. The war beyond Zeus and Poseidon's war." The headmaster said, pretending like he was talking to someone while Percy was hiding in a closet thingy. "Give me a reason to question your worthiness again, and there is another that just might be ready to take your place."

The headmaster looked at the closet before he spoke, "Isn't that right, little hero? Not the time for us to meet quite yet. Run along now. And show me what you're capable of." The headmaster said, Actually, the place looked like Headmaster's office, but the person's face was covered in the dark, so he couldn't see it well. When Percy came back to reality, Erika and Annabeth were sitting together, Erika was tying not wearing her jacket as Annabeth was holding prism in her hands, trying to get Iris, the god of Rainbows to communicate with her while Grover was trying to cover the light.

"Does that help?" Grover asked.

Annabeth sighed before she said, "Guess we're about to find out."

"Can you see where we are?" Erika asked Grover, who snuck his head on top of the truck for a second before popping his head back down.

"We're almost there." Grover responded.

Percy got up from the floor to sit next to Erika and Annabeth, Erika handed Percy a drachma as there was ethereal ringing from the prism. "There. I've got a signal." Annabeth said as she looked at the drachma on Percy's hand.

"Toss it, Seaweed Brain." Erika said. Percy tossed the drachma towards the ringing.

"Okay. This will never stop being weird." He said, Annabeth stayed quiet as Erika said.

"If you want the gods' attention, you have to pay for it."

"Oh, Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering." Annabeth said, Iris agreed.

"Okay, show us Camp Half-Blood." Erika said, "Chiron's office."

"Luke?" Percy said, which made the boy who they saw turn around.

"Annabeth? Percy! And... Erika? Are you okay?" Luke asked, looking at the three.

"Yeah w-- we're fine." Annabeth responded, "Where's Chiron?

"Chiron's holding camp together with both hands." Luke responded, "Everyone thinks we're going to war, so the cabins are taking sides. Please tell me you're calling with good news."

"We know who stole the bolt." Percy commented, looking at Luke.

"How do you know?" Luke asked, Erika stared at him, feeling kind of unsure with his real reaction, which looked nervous.

"We ran into Ares, and Grover got him talking and realized that Ares knew who the thief was but was covering for them." Annabeth responded. "So, who would Ares cover for other than.."

"One of his favourite daughters." Luke responded, "Erika is one of them, but Clarisse... Clarisse is the lightning thief."

"My sister would never." Erika said, looking at Luke. "Clarisse would never do it."

"Well, it has to be Clarisse or you." Luke responded, looking at Erika.

"Or maybe it's you." Erika responded, looking at Luke. "You're claimed by a god who's a thief. You can't blame me or my sister for something we didn't do. You probably did, and you're trying to blame Clarisse for it."

Percy and Annabeth stared at Erika. They literally didn't know who to believe. "Even if it is Clarisse, Chiron's gotta arrest her, find out what she knows. There's more to this than just the bolt, something bigger. Don't ask me how I know, you just gotta trust me." Percy said, hoping he didn't upset Erika somehow.

"Okay, I'm on it." Luke said, his body language seemingly kinda uncomfortable, as if he was scared to get caught, Erika knew Clarisse would never do anything like that.

Erika always had her eyes fixed on Luke, She never trusted him, and she wasn't planning to do it anytime soon. Since she arrived at the camp, she had an off feeling about Luke. "So, Ares, huh? What was that like?" Luke asked, looking at the kids.

"Well, compared to the Chimera on Monday and Medusa on Sunday, could have been a lot worse." Percy responded, looking at Erika for a second.

"Medusa was Saturday." Erika commented.

"I thought Sunday." He responded softly.

Erika nodded her head no, "No monsters on Sunday. Monday, you died in the river." She said as Annabeth was just witnessing this.

"Right. So, Medusa was on Saturday." Percy said.

"Percy, what is this?" Luke asked.

"What?" Percy and Erika said in the same time.

"When did you turn into an old married couple?" Luke asked, Erika and Percy just looked away.

"Not to change the subject, but I'm gonna..." Percy said as it got awkward for the two. Erika stared at Annabeth, who was trying her best to not burst out laughing. "We could use your advice on something. We're headed to Las Vegas to find your dad - " Percy began, Erika pointed at her eyes then at Luke to signal that she was watching him before Annabeth ended the call.

"What was that about?" Percy asked, confused.

"You can't ask Luke about his dad." Annabeth responded, while Erika just had a look on her face that said, "Daddy issues at its finest 👍"

"Well, now I certainly can't." Percy responded.

"If you tell him we're going to see Hermes, he's gonna try to talk us out of it." Annabeth added, looking at Percy as Erika rolled her eyes, she hated Luke already. "We don't need that right now." Annabeth added.

"They don't get along?" Percy asked, looking at Annabeth.

"Nope." Erika said as Annabeth nodded, saying no.

"At all." She added.

Grover came back out of nowhere as he said, "Okay, got some updates. Men driving this trick are not nice people. Traffickers."

"We can do our best to help with animals escape, but not if it means we're jeopardizing the quest." Erika said.

"Oh, no, no, no. They've already got a plan to get themselves out." Grover replied, "And us, too. I mean, some of these guys, so smart. They were really only missing, like, one piece of the puzzle to get the cages unlocked."

"What's that?" Percy asked, looking at Grover.

"Thumbs." Grover responded, "But we're here now, so... all good."

"And once the cages are open, they have q plan from there?" Annabeth asked, looking at Grover.

"Yeah. Really elegant." Grover responded. "I mean, these guys, they're... they're like artists."

The plan was to sent the animals free everywhere. "This seems dangerous." Percy said as they stared at the road, Erika trying to not laugh.

"Oh. They'll be totally fine. I gave them a Satyr's blessing, so they'll be able to reach the wilderness safely." Grover responded to Percy.

"I meant for the people." Percy responded.

"Oh..." Grover said. "Them... Well, I mean, I'm sure they'll.... Yeah, I don't know. But the animals are all set." Grover said.

"Okay, come on, before the cops show up." Annabeth said as they heard police sirens somewhere.

"So, how do we know which hotel is the Lotus?" Percy asked, looking at the girls who are always together.

Erika stared at something before she said, "I'm guessing the one with the giant lotus blossom on it."

Percy and Grover looked at the same direction. "You were like two seconds ahead of me. Seriously." Percy said, feeling dumb right now. "Sometimes, it might be okay to just let the easy ones go. Can we agree to just try it, maybe?" Percy asked as the kids began walking to the hotel.

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