Chapter 12

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"Kookie! Where have you been?" Seokjin asked as soon as he saw Jungkook inside their house. He ran to him quickly and hugged him.

"He was looking for you right after he showered." Namjoon whispered to him.

Jungkook sighed. "I just had to take care of something that your grandfather asked."

"Liar!" Seokjin said then ran to his room.

"W-what? Kim Seokjin! Get back here!" He said but Seokjin just went straight to his room.

Seokjin locked his door and hid his face on his pillows. "He smelled different! I am sure he met someone! Argh!!!!" He said small punching his mattress. "Wait! Why am I mad? He usually does this anyway." He sat down on his bed hugging one of his pillows and re-think his actions.

"Kim Seokjin! I will definitely break your door if you won't open this." He heard Jungkook say.

"And why is he mad?" Seokjin whispered to himself with furrowed brows but walked to the door to open it anyway.

"Did you just call me a liar and walked out on me?" Jungkook asked as soon as the door opened.

"I did." Seokjin said with confidence looking mad and pouty at Jungkook. "You said you'll stay with me to protect me but you left me. This is the second time today that you did this! You are always gone! How will you protect me if you are not with me?!"

Jungkook was surprised with the sudden burst of Seokjin's emotion. He's not usually like this, but he is right. He promised him that he will protect him but he was not there. His eyes softened. "I'm sorry, Jinnie. I swear I just had to do it because only I can meet the person. I'm sorry, I won't leave you like that again."

Seokjin think for a moment. "Okay, that's fine, Kookie. I am sleepy. Sorry for getting mad at you."

"You have the right to be mad as I was unable to fulfill my duty."

"I understand you have other things to do." Seokjin said looking straight at Jungkook. "I should not be mad like that. You can sleep now, I'm also sleepy and we still have to be early at school tomorrow. Goodnight, Kookie."

Seokjin then closed his door and went straight to his bed.

"Why am I disappointed? It's not as if he will see me like the men he used to see. I can't be as graceful as Jiminie-hyung nor as gorgeous as the other men he met. I think I am overreacting and it's not right." He said to himself.

Jungkook stayed in front of Seokjin's door. He did not know what just happened, and why he raised his voice at Seokjin. He should not have done that. But he is also feeling the guilt of kissing someone even without the intention. He is also not sure why he is feeling guilty and it's making him crazy.

"Trouble in paradise?" Jimin said as he saw Jungkook looking blankly at Seokjin's door.

"I'm not in the mood, Jimin." He said then turned to his room and locked himself in.

"Tsk! Hard headed. I can give him an advise but he's too confident of himself." Jimin mumbled.


Seokjin and Jungkook were walking quietly on their way to school. Jungkook prepared breakfast for Seokjin and the latter just gave him a usual thank you. He did not even hugged him this morning like the usual and was not clingy to him at all.

Jungkook even packed lunch for them but Seokjin just put it to his bag. Not even a smile.

"Are you still mad at me for leaving you yesterday, Jinnie?" Jungkook asked Seokjin and held his wrist for them to stop walking for a while.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now