17. War girl and Seaweed Brain

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AS THEY WALKED INTO THE HOTEL, "Levitating" by Dua Lipa was literally playing, which meant Erika couldn't help but vibe a little. "I know we're supposed to be saving the world, but would it be unprofessional if we just hung out here for a bit?" Percy asked, He was about to walk before Annabeth stopped him.

"We find Hermes. We get him to hook us up with a ride to Los Angeles and a plan to get into the Underworld, and we are out of here ten seconds later." Annabeth explained, looking at the three of them.

"I was kidding." Percy responded.

"Wait, hang on." Grover said, looking at Percy. "Your mom told you all the stories. Did she read you the Odyssey?"

"The graphic novel." Percy responded as Annabeth and Erika looked at him, which said, 'Dude, you for real right now?'

"It counts." Percy said as he looked at Annabeth and Erika.

"Odysseus lands on a beach. There's this guy who've forgotten where they came from, forgot everything that was important to them, and they got that way because they ate - " Grover began before Percy cut him off by saying,

"The Lotus flowers."

"If we go in there and then forget everything, that would be bad on a number of levels." Grover added as he looked at the demigods.

"But if Hermes is in there, though, then what choice do we have?" Percy asked, looking at Grover before he turned to Erika and Annabeth. "What do you think, War Girl and Annabeth?" He asked, looking at Erika and Annabeth, calling Erika 'War girl' as she calls him 'Seaweed Brain'.

"Just don't eat anything." Annabeth said, looking at Grover.

"Wait, why were you looking at me when you said that?" Grover asked as the demigods began walking away further into the hotel.

As they all walked into this hotel, Erika couldn't help but be slightly in awe.

"This place is a lot bigger than it looked from the outside." Grover said as Erika nodded in agreement. "He could be anywhere."

"Let's split up." Annabeth suggested, looking at the other three.

"I thought we didn't do that anymore." Percy responded, looking at Annabeth. "Also, you guys have seen him before, but I haven't. So I'm not gonna be much help alone." Percy admitted.

"You can check that side of the floor, Annabeth and I can take Percy this way?" Erika suggested, Pointing at another way, Annabeth had no problem with that.

"One way or the other, we meet back in the lobby in 20 minutes." Annabeth added, looking at the others.

Grover nodded before he asked, "What do I say to him if I find him first?"

"Nothing." Annabeth responded. "Meet me here, and you'll take me to him."

"Yeah. Of course." Grover responded, looking back at Annabeth.

"What are you gonna say to Hermes that Grover can't?" Percy asked Annabeth as Erika was walking beside them.

"I was with Luke for a long time before Grover found us." Annabeth said, keeping her hands in her pockets. "I saw stuff Grover didn't get to see."

"Like meeting Luke's dad?" Percy asked, looking at Annabeth.

"Like meeting his mom. She's a seer. A human who can see through the Mist." Annabeth responded, keeping her gaze on the ground. Sometimes, they can see stuff that messes them up. Scary stuff. Stuff that hasn't happened yet. Stuff they know is gonna happen. I think it happened to her, and Luke blames Hermes for it. And I think Hermes would do anything to win him back. Maybe helping us is a start."

Percy looked at Erika, who just looked like she was zoned out. "You okay?" He asked, looking at the girl.

"Huh? Oh, yep." Erika said, looking back at Percy.

"You sure?" He asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, Im just.. feeling homesick. " Erika responded, looking at Percy as they continued searching for Hermes.

After a few minutes of searching for Hermes in silence, Percy began saying to the two, "Look.. if I tell you something, do you promise not to make fun of me?" He asked, looking at the both of the girls.

"Dude." Annabeth said.

"Alright. Okay. So, I've been having these dreams. For a while, they were weird. Then, like Luke's mom, they got scary. You two have these, too, right?" Percy asked, looking at the two girls.

"Of course." Erika responded, paying attention to his words.

"And then this guy started showing up and talking to me. But not like in a regular dream. It's more like he knows we're in a dream. But today, it was different. Like I somehow ended up in his dream. Like, I was eavesdropping on him talking to..." Percy explained.

"Talking to who?" Annabeth asked as they had stopped walking for a minute, Erika just looked confused as she held the sword pendant around the collars of her t-shirt.

"To the person who stole the master bolt for him." Percy responded, looking back at Annabeth.

"You're eavesdropping on Hades." Erika said.

"Conspiring with Clarisse through your dreams?" Annabeth added, Erika gave Annabeth that look, which said, "Clarisse didn't steal the bolt." Erika was confident that she would never, never in a billion years.

"The part I don't get, though, is that they were talking about what comes next. Like getting Zeus and Poseidon to fight was only the beginning, and they're planning something bigger on top of it. So, do you think it's real? Because if it's real, something the gods don't even know about, I mean... what are we supposed to do about that?"

Annabeth sighed before she said, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Erika asked.

"There are things I don't know." Annabeth responded.

"Yeah, but it you don't know, I mean, what chance do I have?" Percy asked.

"Well... it isn't gonna make any difference unless we get to Santa Monica first. We don't have much time." Erika added, looking at the two as the gamblers cheered around them.

"Come on." Annabeth said as the three began walking around to look for Hermes again.

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