Chapter Two

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August 9th - Chapter Two - Heartbreak and Big Brothers

3rd person POV

Later in the week, Han was invited by Felix to meet the rest of his friends. Han was excited because he really needed to start making some new friends. He enjoyed hanging out with Felix, but was starting to feel like he was annoying him. 

They decided to meet up at a cafe on campus. Felix mentioned it was were one of his friends named Hyunjin worked. 

As he walked in the cafe, he noticed Felix, Changbin and Seungmin all sitting at a table next to three unfamiliar faces. 

He walked up to them, Seungmin was the first one to see that he was there.

"Oh hey Jisung," he waved, motioning for him to take a seat in an empty chair. 

"Hi nice to finally meet you, I'm Hyunjin" one of the boys said. 

"You guys are right, he is a hottie with a bodie" Hyunjin whistled, while he looked at Seungmin and Felix. 

"Oh my god, ignore him" Felix said embarrassed how his friend is acting, 

"Nice to meet you all, what's your names?" Han said looking at the unfamiliar faces. 

"I'm Chan" An taller boy with a bright smile said. 

"I'm Jeongin" a boy who looked younger than him said. 

"Nice to meet you three" Jisung stood and bowed to the three boys he met. 

"Nice to meet you as well" Chan said, "Where are you from?" 

Han chuckled nervously. "Well, I'm from a small town a few hours away from here. This is my first time living away from home, so everything's still pretty new to me. I'm glad I met Felix, he's the only reason I'm making friends!"

"We are happy to include you!" Hyunjin said, the rest nodding in agreement 

"Thanks haha, It's been a bit overwhelming, to be honest. But having Felix as my roommate has definitely made the transition easier."

Felix grinned at him. "Aw, pookie. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. And we're all here to help you out."

"You seem like you fit in pretty well" Seungmin smiled. 

"I'm glad" Han Jisung said happily. 

He was really scared about making friends, especially coming to a place he had never been before. But this kindness these new people are showing, is making the transition a lot more comfortable. 

A sense of belonging started to take over Jisung. 

These weren't just Felix's friends anymore – they were becoming his friends too. Something he never really had before. Not ones that he could take out of high school. 

The seven boys continued to shared stories and laughter, Jisung knew this was the beginning of a great freshman year. 

With Felix's friend group by his side, college didn't seem so daunting anymore. It finally felt like he could one day call this place home. 



Later in the week, Felix and Jisung were laying in their beds, procrastinating their work as always. 

Han was flipping through his textbook, "skimming" as he would say, while Felix was scrolling through his phone "doing research", occasionally chuckling at something he saw.

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