A whisper at night

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This contains mental issues and angst, Insomnia and schizophrenia 

-Fan Pov-

It's about 3am. I'm still awake. Some people say I'm a night owl. Other says I have insomnia. I think I just like staying up late watching object shows. I mean, I would sleep if the shadows stopped coming into my room and whispering. Every night since I was 18. They would come into my room and cause panic inside of me. I would stay awake until they leave around 4am. Everyone tells me to sleep at night and Paintbrush keeps getting mad at me every time I tell them I'm tired. But it's too scary.

Anyway, I just finished another Object Show. When my phone died! My heart dropped. I forgot to plug it in! My eyes search around the room. Paintbrush is sleeping soundly. Oh, how I wish I could sleep like that.  I rip my covers from the bottom of the bed and rap it around me. breathing heavily.

It felt like hours, even though it's only been like 8 minutes. I rock myself back and forth.

back and forth.

back and forth.

back and-

Figures. the black shadowy figure.  Oh no. no, no.. their already here!

"D-d-don't come c-close!" I semi yelled, trying not to wake Paintbrush. The horrid whispering. The black sketch of my friends teleported closer. 

"Faaaan~ How's the f-f-f-f-f-food F-f-f-f-an." Confused, I look down. on my lap is food that's glitching in and out. I try to push it off, but it glides through my hands.

"I-I-I Don't want it." I curl in a ball as the figures laughs at me.

"Oh Faaan~" "You're PATHETIC."

I cover my eyes with my hands. oh please, please someone make this end.

now I'm sure it's been an hour! I bury myself in the blankets. 

Suddenly I hear the door open. Shining light through the hallway. A testube shaped figure stepped in. Another figure. It felt more real as it walked towards.

"Faaan ~ Are you still awa-k-k-k-ke." the deep distorted voice echoed.

I found the best answer was to ignore and not respond.

"Fan~ are you okay-y"


"Fan! are you okay" I whisper to her, without trying to wake Paintbrush.

I step closer. I see his eyes grow wider. Then I notice how much he's shaking. He's shaking a lot! I place my hand his shoulder.

it stopped; the shaking stopped. It was like he froze. Went from heavily breathing too hardly.

"Fan?" I look around the room. It looked like someone had a small party. "What... happened?"

 He shuddered. He must have stayed up all night.

I gently sit on the bed. His eyes gained life again. I don't know what to do. I was never a big comforter. I scooted over toward him, I put my arm around him. His head drops almost instantly. Poor Fan.


I lean against her, Test Tube. she saved me from spending all night alone. with these... things.

"Fan." TT's pretty voice spoke. "How long have you slept tonight?" 

 I realize I haven't got any sleep tonight! just like the last, and the last. I try to hold back tears. but their just so heavy. And I'm so tired.

"T-test Tube.... I don't- I-I don't. Know." I looked up at her but quickly covered my eyes with my hands. Partly of shame. Partly because my eyes hurt.

"Oh, Fan." She hugged me.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I hug back. I barely realize I'm crying. She rubbed my 'head.'

She lays a blanket on me as I lay on her. 

"It's okay. Everything's okay now." She whispers.

My eyes close and I finally get... Sleep.


Fan is now sleeping on me. Seeing him sleeping peacefully make me sleepy too. I fall asleep with him.

-2 hours later-

My eyes open. I stare down at Fan. The memories of last night flood back.

I look around the room. such a mess. I look at him. also, a mess.

His paper is stained with his tears. his eyes are dark with bags. The chip.


how am I going to get it out? he's lying on my arm. I give him a shot, numbing medication. I reach for my scalpel and, with my shaky hand, press it onto his paper. I cut in. He doesn't even notice it. I lay him on his side. His flesh cling to the small device. Continuing, I snipped it. I pulled it out. And stitched him back up. 

I let out a sigh of relief. I lay him neatly in his bed. I lay the blanket over him. I lean over him, and I kiss him on the head before leaving the room.


(765 words)

I'm actually quite pivotal about publishing this.  

but if you're reading this, it must be out.

I'm kind of scared to post this because it's so, so unusual for me. I'm a happy-go-lucky person. I just wanted to try this out lol. sorry if I represented it wrong, I'm writing from my experience with Insomnia and inspired by other FanFics.

So, I'm sorry! DX

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