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Requested by BabyBread06

Hyunjin's heart raced as he heard the younger shout at him.

"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS PART, WE HAVE BEEN GOING OVER FOR A FEW DAYS NOW!" Jeongin screamed at the older who was staring at him. 

"WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU'RE DRAMATIC AND IMPAITIENT!" Hyunjin shouted back as his tone sharpened. He glared at the younger with tears in his eyes, it dripped on the cold studio ground. He couldn't do it anymore, he didn't want to. sure vocals might not be the thing he was best at but he didn't need this much 'suppor't to be pushed off the cliff.

"Hyung, we've been going through this-"—"I'M DONE! ALL YOU DID TODAY WAS ANNOY ME I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE-" Jeongin was cut off by the older snapping at him. more tears dripped down jeongin's eyes as he rushed to stop hyunjin from leaving the studio. well it wasn't only hyunjin who was hurt, jeongin glared at hyunjin as he gave up and let him leave. he  crouched down on the floor, sighing. He looked at the clock. it showed 1:82am. maybe he was  too much. he let the tears fall and wiped them off soon, he cleaned the studio floor and packed up aswell, wanting to talk to chan. He walked to the leader's studio where 3racha was working, of course he didn't want to interrup them but he had no choice. 

"Hyung.....can I come in?" Jeongin asked as his voice trembled, he knocked on the door to repeat and before he did, he was welcomed by jisung who took a pic of him even before he knew.

"Hey what happened? Hyunjin came by a few minutes ago and said he wasn't feeling well?" Changbin spoke as he let the youngest sit on the couch and curl up.

"It's....*sniff....it's all my fault....I pushed him off his cliff.......and he hates me now....." jeongin stuttered in his sentence but chan still gave a reassuring smile, he gently hugged the younger who was sniffling, holding back the tears. he heard jisung trying to dial Hyunjin which he told him to but when the eye contact was made, he shook his head as a response that he was not picking up. 

"shh, it's fine, i pushed changbin off his cliff once too, so did jisung but if you apologise in time he will accept it," the leader spoke as he let changbin hug innie now.

"maybe go to the bakery or something, buy something he would like you know?" Jisung recommended from the back.

"b-but will he forgive me..?" Jeongin spoke as he continued to sniffle. He looked up at the oldest of the dongsaeng line who was cupping his cheeks not in a romantic way but in a comforting way to calm him down. chan took over the speech as jisung continued to comfort the youngest.

"you won't know if you never try, honestly i think it's jisung who is expert at that....he's still a meanace-"---"Hey! that hurts!" jisung snapped as he rolled his eyes, jokingly obviosuly, and going back to comforting the youngest.

"mm...I'll try...." jeongin muttered out as he packed up and stood up. He exited the studio with the bag and his phone in his hands, he walked to the bakery next to the building. it was a pretty expensive bakery with the chocolatier and other stuff to but he knew hyunjin loved the pasturies that the shop sold so he bought a few of them. he then crossed the street, made sure it was green and crossed it. he walked to the book store across the street to get a card. he thought he was going to break down in the middle of apologising, it'd be better to write it so he won't have to say the whole thing. he picked the card with a chihuahua on it and payed for it. He decided he would write when he get back to the dorm and give it to him tomorrow during the recording session because he was sure hyunjin didn't want to see him right now. He walked the streets again, alone. not many cars passed by but he was soaking wet. it was drizzling but it started pouring. it wasn't 'till the point of if he doesn't stop he'll catch a cold, jeongin knew he had a chance of catching a cold but he walked and walked, until the final crosswalk. he stopped to wait for the green light. made sure no cars and coming and walked. he was half way there, it was a long one, and under the green lights showed 40 seconds so he didn't rush. something zoomed. not as in like a sound but he felt it. something coming towards him, he looked next to him, a brightlight and something hitting him next. he fell, loosing his balance. Jeongin rolled on his side, scrapping his arm, he regretted rolling his sleves up now. a sharp pain that went through his wrist and up until about his elbows, flinching and curling up instinctly, he opened his eyes, the vision blurring as time went by. He heard the driving getting out of the car, he also heard a familiar voice calling out his name. and that was it. all he remembered from that time. now he was on the hospital bed, on his phone texting seungmin and lee know. 

"come in." Jeongin spoke as he heard a knock, it was a small single room with a twin bed and a pull out matress underneath. He fractured his right arm and strained his back. he was feeling okay but the company wanted him to stay in the hospital incase of other discomfort. 

"...h-hey.....I'm sorry about what happened...." jeongin heard a voice. A voice that used to be his favourite until the fight happened. jeongin's eyes snapped open, he tried to get off the bed and hug him but he thought he didn't deserve it. he stayed silent.

"...why are you apologising?" jeongin muttered out with all his courage and trembled. he held his tears back. the other boy was doing the same thing.

"I should have tried to listen to you more carefully and not scream"---"What are you talking about? I ruined it....I ruined our relationship a-and now because of me we can't - w-we can't " Jeongin broke. he was broken, he didn't want to be broken. Hyunjin walked closer to the youngest, he was shoved away a few times but the 4th time he tried, jeongin just admitted it. 

"y-you hate me right?" jeognin muttered out quietly as he looked up, he didn't deserve it. at least that's what he thought. ruining everything between the two and letting hyunjin down. acting as if he dropped hyunjin, sure he was stupid sometimes but he couldn't go without him.

"Innie no, we all make mistakes at one point, it can be big or small but we always will and do something stupid in our lives but it's not going to ruin if you fix it, and- i think it was both of use really- no, no nononno, stop crying innie-" Hyunjin spoke frantically at the end, trying to comfort the younger who was bawling his eyes out, he was embraced in a tight hug, feeling the comfort and feeling drowsier as time ticked by. about 3 minutes passed and hyunjin decided to let jeongin go because his back hurt from staying hunched for some time. But hey, at least it was working out now.

"are we good now?" Hyunjin asked again, jeongin nodded and brought up a small dimple smile, he hugged hyunjin's waist and leaned onto him.

"I love you..."

"I love you too...."


ikykwklk this was requested a long time ago but i just didn't have the time :(

I'm really sorry that it sounds rushed and I just had to get it done

have a great day :)

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