The Brotherhood

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The wind howled through the old window, sending the curtains flapping and an eddy draught through the dark room. The creaking sound of the old stairs emanated throughout the house, giving it an even more sinister feel. I cowered as thunder sounded and flash of light illuminated the otherwise deserted room. A low, harsh voice spoke to me. "You wish to join the brotherhood, yet you can not stand to be here?" Wind rushed through the room, making a screaming sound as it went. "You believe you can cope with murder, brutality, slaughter, and pain?" I whimpered as the hem of a cloak whipped right past my face. "I must, it is the only way to repent for my sins!" I yelled into the blackness of the room, in a voice that told of my fear. It was high pitched, yet callous, with a mangled sentiment of hatred in it. "I must."

"We'll then," the demonic voice whispered, sending its cold breath onto my neck, causing me to shiver violently "follow me." Lightning flashed, thunder shook the house, and a figure rose from the floor. It was robed in a tall, hooded, black cloak which left no part of its body visible. The 'thing' grabbed my arm and dragged me into the next room.

A single light shone on a man dressed in rags, kneeling in the centre of the room. He looked up and I saw his milky white eyes amongst the beaten and bruised face. "This man," the demonic voice whispered in my ear "is a traitor of the brotherhood." I gulped, why did I have a feeling I knew where this was going? "The punishment for betraying your brotherhood," the figure continued " is death. But for every member we lose, we must gain another!" Sweat was pouring down my face, my armpits, every part of my body. "To join us you must kill one of us, and that is what you shall do now." The laugh from the figure was high and icy, sending chills down my spine and giving me goosebumps on my arms. "How shall I do it?" I asked, in a voice so unlike my own.

"With your bare hands. But once you are done, you must pull out his heart and take a bite. Only then will the blood of the brotherhood truly flow through you and make you a part of us." I steadied myself, nodded shakily, and moved towards my first victim.

The man with the milky eyes knew what was coming and started to scream, thrashing with his bonds to no avail. I kicked him in the chest, sending him backwards onto the bloodstained floorboards. I pounced on him, yet he fought back with his teeth and repelling my attempt to break his neck. I went in a second time, grabbing his neck with my bare hands again.i felt my fingers slip, and they slid around his windpipe. I started to dig my nails into his flesh. Blood started oozing onto my fingertips as he screamed even louder. I was almost knuckle deep in his flesh but I kept pushing. He was bleeding profusely now, I had nicked his jugular with my nails. His throat was starting to come out of his flesh now, further and further with every pull I made. A final heave, a final scream from his lips, the crunch of bones breaking,and then... Silence. I was panting as I took one of the shattered vertebrae from his spine to slice open his chest, exposing his heart. I yanked it out of the chest and triumphantly bit into it. Blood cascaded down my chin as I chewed on it. Swallowing was a feeling of victory, after the battle. I strode over to the hooded figure and handed him the remainder of the heart. He nodded and spoke in his cold, harsh voice to me. "You have done what is required for entry, welcome to the brotherhood," he paused "sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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