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 Now that I had enough free time, I devoted myself to his studies. Rob didn't write or call for several days, and I was embarrassed to write to him after our last correspondence.

Leaving the university, my friends and I were having fun discussing a movie.

- Emma, I think your phone is ringing... - said a friend standing next to me.

I didn't even hear the incoming call because of the girls' loud laughter. Rob's name came up on the screen. I stepped aside, away from my noisy friends, and pressed the phone button.

- Hi.

- Hi, beautiful. Did you miss me? - he said in a cheerful voice.

- Well, how can I tell you... - I tried to playfully avoid answering, because it was not easy to talk about my feelings.

- I missed you too! - Rob didn't even listen to my answer, - let's have a dinner tonight.

- Ok, - I said happily, and immediately scolded myself for being too excited. After calming my feelings, I added, - where will we go?

- To my apartment.

Remembering how our last meeting at his house ended, I was a little scared and silently thought about what to say. Apparently sensing the tension on the other end of the phone, he spoke:

- Emma, we're just going to have dinner and discuss further actions. Besides, you'll get the flash drive today.

A slight disappointment stabbed me inside. I naively thought that he really missed me, but he only called because of the flash drive. So I answered with an indifferent voice:

- Okay.

- I'll pick you up around seven. Is that okay?

- Yeah.

- Then I'll see you then.

- Bye, - I said sadly.

I returned to my friends. Noticing the change in my mood, Chris came over and asked:

- Is something wrong?

- No, it's just that Rob invited me to dinner, - I said as quietly as possible so that the other girls wouldn't hear.

- Why are you in a mood like you're going on a date with a smelly old man instead of a hot stallion?

My friend's words made me smile:

- It's not a date.

- Why do you think so? - my friend asked in surprise.

- It's a business meeting.

- Ha, - Chris exclaimed loudly, attracting the attention of the other girls, - do you believe that?

- Chris, come on!

- No, I'm serious! We're going to go pick out some new underwear for you right now.

- Are you out of your mind?

- Emma, I know what I'm talking about! New hot lingerie gives you the kind of self-confidence that you need! Even if Wilson doesn't see it, you'll know you're wearing it and feel like a queen.

- You need to find a boyfriend as soon as possible, - I said cheerfully.

- No, no, no! I'm not getting into that sled voluntarily! I am quite happy with my free life.

We said goodbye to our friends and went to the mall. I was tormented by doubts about whether I needed it. But on the other hand, I was so upset and wanted to please myself with something. I was trying to save money, and I didn't indulge in shopping very often. But maybe Chris was right and the impeccable clothes and underwear would fill me with the confidence I need when I'm around Rob.

A few hours of shopping flew by. As my friend promised, my mood became much better. I bought not only underwear, but also a new skirt and blouse that I planned to wear tonight. There was about an hour left before dinner with Rob, so I said goodbye to my friend and rushed back to the dorm.

A shower, light makeup, and new clothes made me feel feminine and pleased with myself. Rob called and said he was waiting for me downstairs. I straightened my curls and flew down the stairs as if on wings. Once outside, I almost ran into Max. He smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. He looked me up and down. He grimaced and said:

- Going to work?

It wasn't hard to guess what he meant. And where did he get the idea that I could be a prostitute? My mind immediately went to Kim, who knew a little about my work, but like most girls, she condemned me. I didn't want to stay with him, so I answered:

- Make sure you don't have to apologize a second time next time. - I turned around and wanted to continue down the stairs.

But Max's strong hand grabbed my elbow roughly and he hissed, leaning almost close to my face:

- You won't be long, whore!

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure approaching us. I turned my gaze and saw Rob. He was heading decisively in our direction. His face was a shadow of anger, his lower jaw clenched, and his palms turned into fists.

- Get your hands off her! - he said in a voice so deep and rough that I was scared.

Max reluctantly let go of my elbow, and I grabbed onto it, rubbing my burning skin. Rob stood in front of me, shielding me from Max. He had been confused by Rob's appearance, but now he grinned in disgust and spoke in a long voice:

- Ahhh, a regular customer! You should give her a day off sometimes, because I wanted to drop in on her for a night.

After these words, Rob's fist flew right into Max's jaw. He fell on his back and looked around in confusion. I was scared, especially when I saw his split lip. He was lying on the ground, trying to get up, but he couldn't. From time to time he would sit down again.

- If you even look at her again, you'll regret it! - Rob said roughly, turned to me, gently took my red elbow, which was hurting, and asked, - Does it hurt?

- It doesn't hurt as much as it hurts him, - I tried to joke, pointing at Max. But it was more of a defensive reaction to the shock I had experienced.

- Let's go, - Rob gently took me by the waist and we walked to his car, which was standing at the entrance.

Robert opened the car door for me. After we got off the ground, he said:

- I don't like you being in the same building as that guy.

- Well, what can I do, there are several hundred other students from my university in this dormitory.

- How about I rent you an apartment?

I turned my head and looked at him in surprise:

- Why?

- Emma, what a question, your safety is the most important thing. I don't want you to meet him next time when I'm not around.

- You don't have to protect me, - I said irritably, - I'm a big girl now.

He looked at me silently and gripped the steering wheel tighter. My words hurt him, and he said under his breath:

- You are so stubborn!

We drove the rest of the way in silence, each thinking about our own things. We postponed this conversation, but I knew we would come back to it. But right now, I didn't want to. I didn't want to spoil the mood even more by fighting with Rob. It seemed that he didn't either. The silence between us spoke for itself.

As the car turned into the familiar parking lot, my heartbeat sped up. I remembered the last time I ran out of the top floor, which was my trap. I hope it won't happen today.

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