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The clouds were arranged in sky extremely neatly as the sun was barely can be seen but as the seconds passes, the sunlight started reaching the ground. As the sunlight reached down, four shadows become visible.

A pair of male and female was walking with a donkey beside them on which a little child was sitting.

They were talking and giggling with a very joyful atmosphere.

"A-niang!" called the little child with flustered cheeks.

"Fine! I won't tease you" exclaimed the female with a soft chuckle.


"A-ying we are going on a night hunt! Don't run around okay!" said the female

"A-ying is a good boy so, listen to your a-niang!" said male.

"Mn, a-ying won't run around!" exclaimed the little boy.

"Bye bye baobei!" said the couple together before leaving the little boy alone.

The little boy just watched the figures leaving him without the knowledge that he won't able to see them again that, it was a goodbye.


A little boy was running fastly as a dog was chasing him. The boy was looking in very bad condition as his clothes were slightly torn revealing his harshly bitten skin.

The little boy suddenly fell onto the ground a little piece of bun rolled down from his sleeve only so that the dog can eat leaving the boy crying

"A-niang! A-die!" sobbed the little boy behind his own hand that was covering his face.


Wei wuxian opened his eyes, all panicked, he was sweating and breathing heavily. He realised that he was in Jingshi as his husband was holding him tightly.

He slowly freed himself from Lan zhan grip and sat down to breath properly. He placed his one hand on the left side of his chest and the other one on his forehead to calm himself down.

Wei wuxian slowly get up from bed and started to leave outside because he wanted to be alone for some time, as he came outside but there was darkness everywhere as it's already midnight.

Wei Wuxian proceed to sit on a rooftop but no can be seen but he noticed a lonely figure in red sitting on the same rooftop silently.

After seeing the figure was Hua cheng Wei wuxian began to leave but Hua cheng suddenly appeared infront of him who was sitting quite far from him. Hua cheng grabbed Wei wuxian and that clearly makes him angry.

"What's now?" asked Wei wuxian bluntly.


"Wei Wuxian! It's Wei wuxian for you!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he didn't let Hua cheng finish his speech.

"Mn, Wei wuxian i w-wan-" Hua cheng again couldn't complete his sentence.

"I want to be alone!" said Wei wuxian. He was feeling very restless, he couldn't bring himself to believe anything that he didn't even know till evening. All of his life he missed his parents dearly but now suddenly someone comes and claim to be his parents. Where was his parents all the time? They didn't even recognised him? What a joke!

"I want to show you something!" exclaimed Hua cheng griping Wei wuxian's wrist more tightly, for some reasons he seemed more restless than Wei wuxian.

"I said I want to be alone!" yelled Wei wuxian trying hard to free his hand but he can't. He was frustrated more than anything. The black smoke started to came out of him.

"A-ying Calm down! Breath properly!" exclaimed Hua cheng as he was shocked to see Wei wuxian breathing became heavy and he was realising resentful energy.

Wei Wuxian was feeling overwhelmed after seeing Hua cheng, a person claim to be his father, he couldn't help but cried as the tears were falling from his eyes without ceasing.

Hua cheng lossed his grip on Wei wuxian's wrist right away as he felt discomfort in his chest. Wei Wuxian unconsciously leaned on him while sobbing quitely.

Hua cheng got a little taken aback as Wei wuxian was hugging him weakly, He smiled and began to pat Wei wuxian's back gently.

"It's fine, everything is good!" uttered Hua cheng under the breath, slowly caressing his hair and began to whispers good words and suddenly disappeared from there alone with Wei wuxian.

Lan zhan opened his eyes since he was feeling emptiness subconsciously, he grew more worried as Wei wuxian was not there. He instantly grabbed his outer robes, boots and wore them quickly.

Lan zhan was walking as fastly as he can, looking for Wei wuxian everywhere in darkness.

After searching for long he still couldn't find Wei wuxian, he even search for his husband in Lanshi but he couldn't find anyone so, he decided to go Hanshi.

Lan zhan didn't want to disturb his brother as Jiang wanyin was also there but Wei wuxian was more important. The more time was passing the more worried he was becoming.

Lan zhan knocked on the door subsequently he reached the Hanshi. In few minutes Lan xichen opened the he was wearing his night robes.

"Wangji you are here! everyone is fine? a-xian where is he?" asked Lan xichen as he concerned, it's not common for his brother come to meet him at this late hour.

"Xiongzhang Wei ying is missing!" told Lan zhan in one breath.

"Missing? But how?" questioned Lan xichen.

"Wei ying slept in Jingshi with me but when I woke up he wasn't there!" told Lan zhan and now a worried expression can be seen on his face.

"What are saying?" asked Jiang cheng, when he heard of Wei wuxian name he instantly dressed himself properly and came out.

"I couldn't find Wei ying! I have already searched in whole Cloud recesses " exclaimed Lan zhan.

"Did you check on Back Mountain?" asked Lan xichen as maybe Wei wuxian went there to clear his mind as everything happened in evening was quite shocking, more for Wei wuxian.

Lan zhan shook his head implying he didn't check on Back Mountain.

"Then, lets go!" said Jiang cheng and run from there to search for Wei wuxian and Lan zhan also run after him.

Lan xichen went to grab his outer robes and he also leaved from there in hurry.

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