Headin Home

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Cheese sighed and he smiled at his party in Saddle Arabia. Age has gotten the best of him, his face now slightly sagging. His mane and tail starting to get grey. 

The party was in full effect. By now he should have gotten another cheesy sense. But none came. He turned to the chicken on his back and smiled, "I think this is it Boneless Two. I think we're homeward bound."

He started to walk along the dirt path home. It was sunrise and the sky became a blend of red, orange and purple. It was truly a beautiful sight, he then remembered His mother, a light orange unicorn with a curly purple mane falling perfectly around her face. 

He remembered the times she would throw him little parties when he would visit. She would always throw it in the backyard. And his family would all gather to listen to his stories. Amazed their shy little boy would grow to go on such big adventures.

He remembered his younger brother, a pink earth pony with a shaggy brown mane. And how he would always cling to him.

He remembered his father. A lanky red stallion with glasses and a shaggy brown mane. He remembered when his dad tried to teach him how to tie a tie. And his suit he would wear every day. 

As he walked on he looked over to a town in the distance and he remembered Ponyville.

He remembered walking there as a young foal with nothing but a bare flank. He remembered hearing the laughter and the music of a party and the pink filly juggling his future best friend. He remembered being entranced by all the smiles. He remembered the rubber chicken that caused the spark within him to be lit and set his life in motion.

He remembered returning to Ponyville only to end up in a goof off. That was his favorite party, he remembered the lights, and seeing the mare that earned him his cutie mark work her magic. And he remembered feeling like the little colt he was when he met her. 

He then looked back at Boneless Two and remembered the parties he shared with Boneless, before giving him back to its former owner.

He then looked up to Canterlot in the distance. And he remembered when his family called for a search party to find him. He remembered their faces when they found him as a young teen years after the search was let out. He remembered when they mocked him for the path he's chosen. 

But he remembered blowing their minds with a party he made just for them. It was the first party he had ever thrown on the spot. And it's what made his family realize how happy he was like this. And he remembered the poor party they tried to make for him when he announced he was going to continue traveling around Equestria. 

He remembered all the times when he had to spend the night at stranger's houses. The time when they offered him his own bed room, and others when he had to share it with random ponies. When they would be extremely polite or when he had to duck to dodge the vases they threw.

He remembered every single smiling face. He remembered all the good lucks he was given. All the times they forced pay upon him. All the foals who ran up to give him a hug. All the towns that thanked him for the time of their lives. Cheese smiled feeling proud of his impact on Equestria.

He remembered all the friends he made, all the ponies who stood by him when he needed it most. The ones he could always count on. He smiled as he listed off their name in his head.

Braeburn, the pony who would always make him laugh with his clumsiness. He remembered the time when he spilled paint all over his banner for the festival. He remembered Braeburn apologizing by baking him a pie each day for a week, despite not being able to bake all too well.

Coco Pommel, the timid pony who helped make the costumes he needed for the party he had to throw. And how when he offered to pay her for her help, she refused. No matter how hard he tried, she would not let him pay her. 

Flash Century and how he kept Cadence hidden all day as Cheese and Shining planned her surprise party. And his perseverance throughout the whole day, no matter how much Cadence tried to get out of the castle Flash would always think of something for her to do.

Pinkie Pie, the one who started his journey. His idol, and got all of his inspiration from her. He remembered the goof off they fought. And how she forfeited, and how she thought that Cheese was there to replace her. He remembered then telling her his true past, and how the rest of that night it was them bonding over their love of parties.

He finally reached Manehattan and smiled. He walked along the streets looking for his. He passed by all the ponies in the street, most ponies ignored his existence. But others waved and smiled. And they remembered him, and he remembred him. "This is home" He thought.

He finally found his house. He sighed staring at it from a distance. He remembered walking out of those doors. He remembered sitting there with his mom talking about his future plans. He remembered playing with his brother outside squirting water at each other. He smiled thinking about his life, he was proud of the life he lived. And wouldn't change it for the world. 

When he arrived at the door step to his house he remembered the last words he said to his family, and found himself saying the same things, "Bind me not to the pasture; Chain me not to the plow. Set me free to find my calling, and I'll return to you somehow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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