You, Always

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The first thing Jisung registers through his still sleep-clouded mind is that there are vibrations at his butt— which is a little abnormal, because the vibrations he is used to feeling are in and definitely not out.

But he squirms around the mess of blankets on his bed and stretches his limbs in slo-motion, wincing when he almost strains his neck painfully. Then he pats around for whatever the fuck is buzzing at his ass and realizes it's just his phone. As expected.

Then he puts his screen to his face and blinks in despair, words still fuzzy through his blurry vision. And he groans silently.

Minho hyung
are you up
better be or i'm breaking in and setting the fire alarm off so you wake up and think it's finally your time to go
or, you can just wake up normally i guess
but i doubt that's ever an option with you

no sign of life from han jisung
what was i expecting
hey, why are the flowers on your porch withering away already
i just gave you them
you promised you wouldn't be irresponsible for hyung !
yet again u never listen
giving you five mins before i break the door down because i'm concerned you passed away in your sleep

ok i'm breaking in

As if on cue, Jisung's bedroom door flings open, startling him greatly. A figure moves to navigate through his room, as if knowing where to avoid the pile of clothes by his dresser. Then, the curtains are stripped open.

"Oh, fuck you," Jisung croaks, the sound dying in his dry throat. He flops back onto his pillow to scowl at the ceiling instead, but not until his best friend's face obstructs his view.

"Good morning," Minho greets cheerfully, staring down at him though with that same nonchalance. "You look like a swollen muskrat."

"Why, thank you," Jisung grumbles and pointedly avoids Minho's hard gaze. He pulls the sheets up to his chin, where he could feel a patch of stubble growing out so soon. Now, he's insecure. God damn it. "What was so important that you had to come over so early in the fucking morning."

"It's the afternoon," Minho hums matter-of-factly. He raises a plastic bag in the air, a smile lining his lips. "I brought food."

Jisung squints. He rolls over and forces his back to Minho. "Not hungry."

"I don't like when you lie."

"I'm not lying! Nor am I hungry, I'm sleepy."

"Don't be like that," Minho whines playfully and the bed dips, letting Jisung know he has intruded his very precious personal space. His eyebrow twitches slightly. "Hyung brought you food. With his very hard earned money."

"The food won't run away. Let me sleep."

"Well, I'm eating it all if you don't get the fuck up right now," Minho clicks his tongue and shifts closer, right until Jisung could see him in his peripheral vision. "Come on. Come. On. Stop being lazy for once and eat with me."

Jisung lets out a squeal when cold hands creep under his shirt and press onto his back, causing him to arch away from the touch. "You little—fuck you! Let me have my peace!" He cries out, unable to resist anymore when Minho squishes his cheeks instead.

"Ah," Minho's eyes warm up noticeably, voice dipping the slightest. "You're always adorable when you wake up."

Jisung rolls his eyes and peels Minho's hands off of his face, own palms rubbing at his cheeks subconsciously. "That's quite fitting for a muskrat, sure," he scoffs and sits up, ruffling his bedhead and processing the lightheadedness that hits him in an instant.

YOU, ALWAYSWhere stories live. Discover now