planning a party/ day out

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Luffy p.o.v
I woke up I looked to see my clock. It was 9:30am I rolled over to see y/n sleeping next to me. She has one arm underneath my pillow and the other was laying little further away from her body. I looked at her face. Her lips are parted slightly and her hair was in her face. I moved her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

I slowly got up from my bed and I grabbed my straw hat and walked out to the sunny and saw everyone was already up. "Morning luffy" robin said getting everyone attention. Everyone said good morning to me and went on about what they are going to do today.

"Hey luffy have you seen y/n she wasn't in her bed this morning" nami asked coming up to me where I was sitting on the sunny head. "She was having nightmares last night so I offered her to sleep in my bed so if she has another nightmare she can just look at me and feel safe" I explained. Nami had a smug smile on her face but why though? "Oh is that all" nami said walking away from me and started walking towards zoro.

I went to kitchen "sanji please tell me the breakfast is done?" I asked sanji looked over at me and huffed. "Luffy it be done in minute just wait" sanji said.

I remember something that y/n said to me last night that today is her one year being on the crew. We should do something for her. "I GOT IT" I yelled out scaring sanji. "LUFFY WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING" sanji yelled

"Come with me I have an announcement to make as the captain" I said walking out of the kitchen and back on the deck I saw everyone was still there. "EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY" I yelled out getting everyone attention.

Everyone stopped and stared at me.
"Do you know what today is" I asked
"What day is it luffy" zoro asked I smiled at him "today is the one year anniversary of y/n joining the crew" I said everyone looked surprised. "It's been one year already wow" chopper said. "Nami when is the log post set? I asked

She looked at the log post "tonight why?" Nami questioned "because on the way off this island I wanna through her a party to celebrate her joining the crew" I said  "that's a great idea" usopp said "two more things nami I  want to go to y/n island I'm sure her friends and family are missing her so can we do that" I asked

Nami shook her head yes at me."Great I want you sanji to be charge of the food I want you to make her favorite meals and desserts" I said "Y/N SWANNNN  DON'T WORRY MY DARLING YOU WON'T HAVE TO GO HUNGRY" sanji yelled I felt a pain in my heart when he said my darling.

"Right anyway zoro franky and usopp you are in charge of getting the sake. They nodded at me. "And finally nami and robin you will get decorations and decorate the ship" I said chopper looked sad.

I walked up to him and bent down to his side "don't worry chopper you will help me distract y/n while taking her out today while this is going on" I said.
"REALLY" chopper yelled as stars was in his eyes.

I heard a door open came out y/n looking rested. "Morning everyone"
y/n said she walked in the girls room nami quickly walked in and closed the door.

"Chopper make sure to tell everyone once we leave they can get the all the stuff I told them too" I said looking at him. "Right on it" chopper said walking away from me. I walked up to  the sunny and sat on the head waiting  for sanji to tell us when food is ready.

"So y/n's party huh?" zoro said from behind me I turned around to see zoro smiling at me. "What about the party?" I asked  zoro gave me a really look "I'm just saying you never gave us a party after being on your crew for a year" zoro said with a smug look.

"Luffy?" I heard y/n said I looked up to where she was. I got up from my seat and walked towards her leaving zoro standing there. "Yeah what's up y/n?" I asked. She gave a small smile "thank you for last night I really appreciate it" y/n said "no problem y/n if you have another nightmare just come in my room no need to knock my door is open" I said with smile on my face.

She smiled at me "thank you luffy" y/n said coming up to me and hugged me I hugged her back. We pulled away from each other I felt cold when she let go of me.

"I'll will get dressed then we could leave. yeah?" Y/n said  "chopper is coming is that okay?" I asked. Y/n shrugged her shoulders "sure" y/n said.

Sanji came out of the kitchen telling everyone breakfast is ready. We went to the kitchen. Y/n walked over and sat with franky and robin. I was between zoro and usopp. I quickly ate and got ready to go.

I walked back outside and saw chopper sitting waiting on me and
y/n. "Hey chopper you ready" I asked.
"Yes I got everything I  want to bring packed" chopper said giving me a salute.

I heard a door open and shut I looked and saw y/n there walking up towards me and chopper. She was wearing a blue and white crop top and blue shorts matching the shirt. She has her hair up in high ponytail.

"Are we ready" y/n asked "yes" chopper and I said at the same time.
We said our goodbyes and headed off.

Your p.o.v
"So luffy where are we going" I asked him. "I just wanna walk around and explore" luffy said excitedly. "Sure that's a great idea" I said

Chopper luffy and I started going through shops buying some clothes.
Chopper wanted to go to a book store we agreed on it. "So what are you looking for" I asked "I just want to buy a doctor's book" chopper said looking proud. "A doctor's book?" Luffy asked
"To be more specific its  about medicines" chopper explained

Luffy started to scratch his head looking confused. "I don't get it but okay" luffy said innocently. Chopper looked annoyed while I was smiling at him.

We all walked in the bookstore me and luffy decided to sit while chopper shops. "Y/n happy one year anniversary" luffy said giving me a small smile. "Thanks luffy" I said smiling at him. "So what's your family  like?" Luffy asked putting his hands behind his neck. Why is he asking all of sudden. I could tell the truth but he could get mad for not telling him.

"Um well I'm the only child" I said getting nervous. Luffy raised his right eyebrow and tilted his head. "What about your parents" luffy asked.

I should have told luffy about my past as soon I got on the ship. I nervously breathe in and out. I looked up at him he was excited I looked down . "I never knew my dad and my mom disowned me by age seven" I said breathing out. I looked up to see luffy had his hat down covering his eyes.

"I don't get why they did that to you" luffy said anger coming out of voice.
I grabbed his right hand I ignored the butterflies in my stomach. Luffy looked up at me "luffy don't get mad iv forgiven them some time ago" I said giving him a reassuring smile.

Luffy looked at me for a couple of seconds then gave me a big smile. "Okay" luffy said. Chopper walked up to us carrying some books in his hands.

"IM HUNGEY LETS GO EAT" I yelled after couple of minutes of walking. Luffy and chopper started laughing.
"I guess we could go back on ship and eat" luffy said. "Sure that's fine" I said chopper nodding in agreement.

We finally made it to the ship after two hours of walking. Chopper and luffy looked so excited. "Hey y/n I hope you like it" luffy said excitedly. I'm so confused what does he mean by that. "What do you mean luffy" I asked chopper jumped on the ship.

Luffy jumped up and stretched his arm out I grabbed his hand and he flung me up on the ship. I landed on both feet.

I looked up and saw everyone and I saw the deck decorated. "HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Y/N" everyone screamed at me. "This is for me?" I asked "luffy made the decision of throwing you a party of being on the crew for a year" zoro said.   I looked over at luffy who was smiling.

I ran up to him wrapping my arms and legs around him he quickly wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you luffy this is the best thing anyone as ever did for me" I said in his neck.
"It's no problem" luffy said

I got off of luffy "let's go party" I said to luffy. He nodded giving me a smile.
"LETS PARTY" luffy yelled out everyone cheered.

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