Chapter 13

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Seokjin was doing his homework when his phone sounded with a new message. He absentmindedly took it and looked at the message, but almost fell from his chair when he realized who messaged him.

Good evening, Seokjin. How was your day? -Sehun

Jin blushed upon receiving the message and he did not know how to respond.

Am I disturbing you? Don't feel pressured in responding to me. I would understand if you won't respond.

I am doing fine and no, you're not disturbing me.

That's good to hear. I am happy I get to chat with you. I hope we can continue our communication like this.

Of course, Sehun-ssi. Feel free to message me anytime. I am happy to have new friends.

Great! I would love to meet you more. Are you free over the weekend? We'll have fun with some of my friends.

I'm sorry to decline but I'm currently getting used to Seoul. Probably next time?

No need to be sorry, we have a lot of college parties where I can bring you. I will introduce you to the rest of the Student Council. They will be happy to meet you.

That sounds fun.

I'll leave you now with whatever you are doing. See you at school, Seokjin. Goodnight!

Jin re-read the messages and he was so happy making new friends and even getting invites for College party. He smiled looking at his phone.

"What is making you so happy?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"N-nothing." Seokjin said and hid his phone.

"Are you hiding something from me, Jinnie?"

"N-no. I was just reading a message from Hoseok."

"Okay. I'll sleep now. Make sure that you sleep right after your school work. Goodnight."

Seokjin smiled at him. "Goodnight, Kookie."

He looked at his phone again and put it to his chest. He thought Sehun is also attractive so maybe he can only be his boyfriend. He blushed thinking about that.


The week was fun for Seokjin. He got closer to Hoseok and Yoongi, even exchanged numbers with them, too.

Seokjin realized that Namjoon is really smart and can pass quickly as a professor if he would like to. His teaching is also fun and Seokjin was able to get the subject well because of him.

He would sometimes watch the practice of the Dance Club because he loves how Jimin dances gracefully. Jimin said he can also be a better dancer than him but Seokjin declined for now as he wanted to focus on his studies.

Jungkook gave him space as he asked, but they would still walk and have lunch together. He would let him be alone though if he needs to talk to his friends or any other people but making sure that he has his eyes on him. He stopped being controlling and that was so much good for Seokjin as he was able to show the real him to other people.

Hoseok and Yoongi were the closest to him. Jungkook had their background checks without Seokjin knowing and they both seemed safe so he let Seokjin stay with them when he wants to.

"Are you comfortable leaving Seokjin now?" Namjoon asked when he saw Jungkook smoking at the rooftop.

Jungkook blew the smoke out. "Jimin is there." He said.

"Oohh... dance time? Did you know that he has his eyes on one of Seokjin's friends?"

"I don't care. As long as he's doing his job well. As if you also don't have your eyes on Hoseok." Jungkook snickered on him.

"You are quite observant, Mr. Jeon." He answered then lighted his own cigarette.

"As if I will get this post if not for my skills." Jungkook said clicking his tongue.

"What's your plan this weekend?"


Namjoon smirked at his answer. "Me and Jimin prepared the car with the weapons."

"I don't think there'll be a need for that. My hand is enough." Jungkook said.

"Wow! Arrogant." Namjoon said.

"I have already worked on things." He said then dropped his cigarette. "I'll see you around." He said before stepping on his cigarette.

He opened the door and left Namjoon enjoying his cigarette.


"You smoked again." Seokjin said in a frown while walking home with Jungkook.

"Sorry, can't help it."

"Yes, you can. You need to stop smoking. It's not good for your health. You heard it in our anatomy class. You won't get killed in the gang wars but you'll get killed with the way you smoke."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. I'm sorry." He said. "I don't regularly smoke, only when it's stressful."

"Why are you stress?"

"That math problem is too complicated for me." He said kicking a stone while they were walking.

"As if you care. You don't even get grades for attending classes. I have to maintain passing grades." Seokjin sighed.

"I don't get why do you like school too much. It's stressful and you won't be able to use it."

"Who said I won't? Kookie, school is important for our everyday life. Try to listen to our subjects and you'll realize that." Seokjin said laughing at Jungkook's complaints.

Jungkook feels like Seokjin's laughters are the best music to his ears. He smiled when he saw him laughing and wanted to treasure that moment with him.

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