Cuffed Luck - Part 1

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"Y-you're joking... right?"

John stared up at the long, tall pipes that lined the outside of the building. Not only were they slightly rusty, but the building was so old he didn't trust that none of the brinks wouldn't crumble under his feet. But, there was also absolutely no way he'd be able to hold his own weight for that tall of a climb. Sure, he may have been a soldier once, but that was a long time ago. And to be completely technical, he was an army doctor for most of that time. But alas, Sherlock & (Y/n) had already started their ascend.

"Keep up, Doctor!" (Y/n) called, Sherlock right on her heels as they carefully positioned their hands, then feet, rushing to reach the top; just where the criminal they were hunting down, Edward Gyles, would be.

John sighed, then rushed around the corner and into the building, opting to take the tedious climb of the stairs instead of the pipework; at least he wouldn't be stuck in the chill of the London evening out there. But unfortunately, he could hear the bickering of the two detectives through the bricked walls as he tried his hardest to keep up.

"Oh, hurry up! We're going to lose him!"

"Shut up! You should have gone first if you were going to be such a back-seat climber!"

The two were clearly not on the greatest terms. And John knew this, having been the one who introduced the two to each other, and now slightly regretted that decision. 

Two top tier detectives, he thought, how on earth was I to know every move they made would turn into a competition?? If only they'd learn to cooperate-

(Y/n)'s foot then slipped, her hands grappling on the ledge above herself as she tried her best not to fall. However, the toe of her shoe swung back, not only hitting Sherlock smack in the forehead, but also resulted a small amount of brick rubble falling onto his head and down his face.

"Do- you- mind?!"

He shouted through his gritted teeth, irritated at the collision as well as the need to slow down due to her slip. They were nearly at the top as well. And that's probably what pissed him off even more. They were almost there. Another case so close to being solved. 

So, he wedged his foot into the crevasse of a broken brick, the other onto a ledge after the raise of his knee, forcefully pushed his arm and body against a ledged wall, hoping to cement his weight of gravity against it as opposed to, you know, falling. Then pushed up on the ledge to leverage himself a little higher, and with as much strength as his other arm could muster, grabbed her leg and pushed her as far up as his arm could reach.


(Y/n) practically flew up as she felt his hand grip her thigh. But because of this, she was just able to grab the edge of the roof as a result.

Best keep the quarrel for after we've arrested this bastard.

Sherlock quickly followed, finding ease in climbing now that his path was no longer blocked. And he gripped the ledge, the stone uncomfortably digging into his palm as he pulled himself up and over, landing onto the roof.

"Not another move."

He paused, seeing the criminal they had been chasing now facing him, with his arm around (Y/n)'s throat and a gun pointed to her head. Sherlock could tell she was starting to lose her breathing abilities, the strain of being strangled now evident over her features. And he only hoped if and when John arrived, he wouldn't startle the man to pull the trigger.

So he raised his hands in surrender, hoping to avoid a fatality despite finding her incredibly irritating.

"Don't shoot, Gyles. There's no way off this roof without you behind bars. So, I suggest you make this process a lot easier and put the gun down. Unless, of course, you'd like to add murder to your already long list of criminal offenses."

Sherlock noticed (Y/n)'s face contort slightly, clearly shocked by his words. Not in a million years would she have ever expected him to try and 'save her life'. That's just not what they did. But his attention was snapped back to the gunman, who started to laugh maniacally at his request.

"Oh, Mr. Holmes. You're in no position to be demanding anything."

With his hands still up, Sherlock decided it was time to end this. They had been chasing this man for months, and he was tired of all the games, surprisingly.

"Then shoot me. It's me you're after, not her. So, finish the job."

Edward Gyles smiled, lifting the gun slowly away from (Y/n)'s temple and towards Sherlock. But Sherlock knew this was to be his downfall. Because the amount of concentration a goon like this would need to reposition his gun, would be more than enough of a distraction for (Y/n) to escape.

And she did. 

It was like watching it in slow motion. Almost as soon as the gun was somewhere between her own head and Sherlock's, she swung her elbows into his ribcage, momentarily disarming him, but long enough for her to grab the gun out of his hand and point it back towards him.

"Gotcha." She winked, seeing his face as he stirred in pain on the floor.

"I'll take it from here, (Y/l/n)." Sherlock spoke, walking up to her and reaching over, grabbing for the gun.

"Wh- No!" She replied irritated, shifting herself at an angle to move it away from his reach. And, therefore, away from the criminal.

"Give me the gun!"

"Piss off!"

"What? Do you not trust me with a gun!?"

"Why would I trust you with anything??"

"I just saved your life!"

"Well, I didn't ask for that, did I!?"

The two momentarily paused, a stern yet sharp gaze piercing through the others. A deep breath was taken, from both parties, before Sherlock decided to continue.

"You're making this more difficult than it needs to be!"

He reached once more for the gun, which was by this point, pointed towards the fog covered moon as (Y/n)'s arms worked hard to keep the gun in her possession and not registering how almost pressed up Sherlock was to her body.

"No! You are!"

"Well actually," The two stopped bickering upon hearing the third voice, turning through their mangled bodies to see Gyles standing with a smug look, "You're making this fairly easy for me."

The two detectives untangled quickly and swung at him, missing, as Gyles ducked, and the two ended up hitting each other as he kicked their legs, feeling the cold roof floor hit their faces before falling unconscious.

Oop- New book, who dis?

Enjoy :)

Until next time <3

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