Chapter One

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"Are you sure you're gonna do this, Jeongyeon?" (Y/n) asked, frowning. "You can always go into lower ranked dungeons than this one."

"I have to, Oppa. You know that." Jeongyeon answered. "But you really didn't have to accompany me all the way here though." She said.

"I wanted to, okay?" (Y/n) told her. "I'm worried."

"You always are." Jeongyeon playfully rolled her eyes at him but deep down, warmth was all she felt knowing her Oppa was worried about her. "Soon, you're gonna have wrinkles and look older than you already are." She giggled.

"I am not that old." (Y/n) told her, frowning.

"Whatever you say, Oppa." Jeongyeon laughs.

They arrived in front of a construction site in Seoul. "Well, here we are." Jeongyeon then faced (Y/n). "I have to get going now."

(Y/n) sighed, he wasn't awakened like Jeongyeon but despite knowing that she can handle herself. He will always be worried about her, he was the only person asides from Jeongyeon's younger sister and mother that he considered as his family. He didn't want something bad happen to her just like what happened to his own.

(Y/n) slowly cupped Jeongyeon's face with both of his hands, he pushed her bangs away before kissing her forehead. Jeongyeon's face erupted into a blushing red mess before being pulled into a hug, her face being pressed against his clothed abdomen.

"Please... be careful, Jeongyeon." (Y/n) whispered.

Jeongyeon realized that (Y/n) was scared, giving how tight he was hugging her. She wrapped her arms around him in return. "I will, Oppa." She said. "I promise that I'll call you after this and we can visit mom at the hospital along with Jin-ah together. All three of us!" She smiled.

(Y/n) slowly smiled, his eyes softening at the sight of her in his arms. For someone like her, she was always the bravest person he ever knew. "You better not break that or else I'll scold you." He said while playfully flicking her forehead.

"Ow!" Jeongyeon whined. "I never broke my promises especially when it's between us, Oppa!" She pouted.

"Alright, alright." (Y/n) chuckled. "I'll wait for your call, okay?"

Jeongyeon smiled, brightly. "Don't worry! I'll finish this dungeon in no time, Oppa!" She grinned.


(Y/n)'s entire being frozed when he received a call. It wasn't the call that he expected to come from her that day, it was from the Korean Hunter's Guild stating that Jeongyeon had entered a double lair. He didn't remember anything else, he didn't know what happened next but all he knows is that he started running.

He started running back to the construction site, his legs screamed at him but he kept going and finally he reached the scene. There were ambulances and a lot of members of the Hunter's Guild.

"I'm sorry who are you?" A man in a suit asked him.

"Jeongyeon..." (Y/n) rasped out. "Jeongyeon... Where is she?"

"Hunter Sung Jeongyeon?" The man raised an eyebrow. "What are your relationships with her?"

(Y/n) couldn't bother answering the questions but there he saw it, people carrying Jeongyeon's body. His body was drained of color, fear and dread was all he felt. He shoved the man away as he rushed to the people carrying the unconscious Jeongyeon.

"Jeongyeon? Jeongyeon?!" (Y/n) shouted, tears streaming down his face. "Jeongyeon, wake up! Please!"

When he hears the faint yet soft breathing coming from Jeongyeon, he was relieved that she was still alive. That she was still here with him. He gave hugged her and kissed her temple.

"Thank god, you're okay..."

(A/n: I really don't know how to do chapter 1s tbh hahaha btw I didn't finished Solo Leveling, I'm still reading the manhwa. Anime's okay but the look Jinwoo has there just makes me uncomfy, he looks like Kirito with blue eyes I'm sorry 😭)

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