19. Stealing Hermes's car 💀

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"Who's Grover?" Percy asked, confused, Annabeth stared at an old Satyr. "Grover. I remember Grover. Man, Grover got really old. How long have we been here?"

"Hey!" Annabeth yelled as they stormed towards the satyr. "We're looking for our friend, a satyr, Have you seen him?"

"Where is he?" Percy asked. Before they even knew it, the satyr began running away, Of course, Erika shoved Percy away and started chasing them, Percy tagging along with her. It was easy because Erika summoned a rock and threw it at the satyr's head to make Percy jump on his back, pinning him to the floor.

"Where is Grover?" Erika asked. Her tone was firm as she crossed her arms, staring down at the satyr. After a few seconds, they finally found Grover at the arcade, playing videogames.

"Grover." Percy said as they walked towards him. Erika smacked Grover's head so they'd look at them. Percy hesitated before taking the VR set away from his head.

"I was so close." Grover said, looking at the three.

"I know, I hate it when someone does that to me." Percy responded, the boys were seriously sharing sympathy over games right now? "And I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but it's really time to go."

"Of course." Grover said, "We're we going?" He asked again, looking at the three demigods.

"You don't know who we are, do you?" Erika asked, looking at Grover.

"Yeah. No. I don't. Have we met?" Grover asked, looking back at Erika as he responded that. The kids looked at eachother.

"Erika, Percy, Annabeth. We're your best friends, Well, I'm not but oh well." Erika said as she shook his hand.

"Really?" He asked.

"Oh, boy." Percy mumbled. "Grover, We're on a quest and we can't do this without you. We're short on time and we gotta go. Right now." Percy said as he grabbed Grover by his shoulders and shook him gently.

"A quest? That sounds amazing!" Grover responded as he took the game jacket off. "But is it dangerous? It's not a deal-breaker, I'm just curious. Also, I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Grover asked Annabeth, looking at her.

After a few minutes of trying to get Grover his memory back, they got to the parking lot, trying to find Hermes's car.

"Okay, god of travellers, what kind of car does the god of travelers have?" Percy asked, looking around.

"Oh, of course a car with said "Hermes's time machine get yourselves away." Duh." Erika responded sarcastically, making Annabeth chuckle.

"Guys, I gotta say, so far, this quest is really exciting." Grover said, looking at the kids. "Really hoping we find that car."

"Finding the car isn't the quest." Annabeth responded.

"There's more?" Grover asked innocently.

"Jeez." Percy mumbled. "We'll explain it to you on the way. We're in a bit of a hurry."

"We're late?" Grover asked.

"Very, very late." Erika responded.

"Are we late because of me?" Grover asked innocently, stopping to look at Erika and Percy as he waited for the answer.

Erika felt bad for Grover, she wanted to hug him really tightly. Percy rested his hand on Grover's shoulder. "It's okay." He said, looking at Grover. "Although, I hope the game you were playing was amazing."

"I was hunting for Pan." Grover said as he smiled, looking at Percy. "No, I mean, like I actually felt I was about to find him. That-- That I'd be the first. That I'd help save the natural world." It just felt so real."

"Guys! Annabeth said as she was standing in front of a cab.

"Hermes drives a cab?" Erika asked, flabbergasted as she looked at the cab.

"He left us a note." She added, looking at the three.

"How do we know that's for us?" Percy asked, curious as how Hermes knew that they'd be driving his car.

Annabeth just showed him a note which said, "TO THE DUMB KIDS."

"Nice." Percy added as Annabeth opened the later.

"Should've known the god of thieves noticed his pocket getting picked." Erika added as she stood next to Annabeth, sitting on the cab's front.

"Back door to the Underworld, magic word, map in the glove box. And he says we'll become travelers once we're on the road." Annabeth said, looking into the page. "And the car will take us wherever we wish to go."

"So, one of us just has to drive it out of the garage." Percy said, looking at Annabeth.

"No, Sherlock, one of us has to fly it." Erika replied sarcastically, looking at Percy.

"So rude I swear." Percy commented as he rolled his eyes before the three looked at Grover, to which Grover was confused.

"Oh, I'm still not 100% shre what we're doing here, which seems disqualifying." Grover said.

"Yeah." Percy said as he decided to drive. "Yeah sure I mean... I killed the Minotaur on my first try, right?" Percy asked as he looked at the other two. "How hard could this be?"

Erika was regretting the fact she, Grover and Annabeth had given him the opportunity to drive, man. He was the worst driver ever. They've crashed a lot of times because of Son of Poseidon.

"My fault. That was me." Percy said, "How do you make it go backwards?" He asked himself before they crashed into another stamp.

"You're doing great." Erika said as her and Grover felt very regrettable right now. Erika was going to 5 stages of grief.

"Maybe try aiming for the middle." Annabeth added.

"You're welcome to give this a try." Percy responded, to which, Annabeth immediately nodded, saying no. A car just went in front of them, They almost got a heart attack.

Erika was hoping they wouldn't get into a car crash, She's just gonna have major trust issues with Percy with cars after this.

"That guy didn't even slow down!" Percy said, annoyed before he honked for no reason.

"Okay. Keep going." Annabeth said, "Up to the street." Percy began driving, "It's okay, you've got this."

Percy finally started driving properly, Erika smiled at him through the rierview mirror, Which Percy probably got distracted with so he crashed the car AGAIN.

As Percy got into the road, there was a truck coming towards them. "WATCH OUT." Erika yelled, but luckily, the four had teleported.

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