Making Him Smile

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Your POV:
I was walking on sea shore while kicking sand out of my way while I walked silently just listening to the ocean water crashing against the shore.

As I was walking I happened to look upwards and see a man wearing a black leather jacket with black nice jeans and black vans as he was sitting in the sand while playing his guitar and singing some song.

As I got closer I recognized him

Well shit!!!

I continued walking and decided to sit next to him noticing how sad he was singing the song.
As I settled Shawn didn't seem to care, and as he finished the song he looked towards me with a sad face

"Can I help u?"
Shawn asked rudely

"Sorry, I was mesmerized by your singing, but I'm y/n and I wanted to make sure you were okay"
You said trying to be as innocent as possible

"Hey y/n I'm Shawn. And thank you, but I don't need people worrying about me"
As he said that he got up and started walking the other direction from you but you didn't care so you caught up to him and tugged his shirt lightly

"Hey, I don't know exactly why your upset but it's always good to express your feelings"
You said kinda bubbly but sweetly

"Oh really, and why is that?"
He said annoyed while you two kept walking

"Because of you keep you're feelings inside it won't help and it'll only make u feel worse and worse"
You said finally turning him around towards you so you both could talk to each other's face

"Fine you really wanna know?"
He asked finally his anger level at 100

*you nod*

"My girlfriend left me for my best friend and now I'm left alone writing a stupid sad ending love story song because of her, there you happy?"
He asked frustrated but more sad

"Damn..well let's hear this stupid sad ending love story song that you speak of"
I said smiling then nudging him
As he lets a smirk release from his soft smooth skin

As he finished I loved the few lyrics that he sang

"Truth is that no one can replace me,
Im permanent you can't erase me.
I hope you remember me, one more kiss is all it takes, I'll leave you with the memory, and the after taste"
After he finished I say there with tears in my eyes

"Wow...she's a bitch"
I say as we both laugh together

"Hey if it were me, I wouldn't do that.But here, I'm always here if you need someone"
I say handing him a piece of paper with my number on it, as he takes the paper and smirks a bit

"Oh aaaand...."
I leaned down and gave him the best kiss on his lips that's I could.
Our lips combining in the most perfect sync there is.
I come up for air and smile at him as he FINALLY smiles back.

"I hope you remember me, one more kiss was all it took, I hope I left you with the memory, and the aftertaste."
I said copying his lyrics from his song as I winked at him and walked down the beach just leaving him speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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