💧Chapter 9: Rainy Day☔

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// Sorry for the wait everybody, here's a long chapter to make up for it :]

Droplets gently hit the windows of your room, the sky a shade of gray as thunder lightly rumbles. You hear your alarm clock go off, punching it with your hand as an annoyed expression crosses your face. Chloe yawns over-exaggeratedly as she sits up, stretching out her arms and legs. Marinette is still asleep for a few seconds until Chloe nudges her with her leg. 

The two of you wave before Chloe goes into the bathroom connected to your room to change. Taking an opportunity, you help Marinette stand before dragging her out onto the balcony and under the small part of the roof that keeps you both shielded from the rain. 

"Okay, what do I need to remember in terms of like..daily tasks?" You hold up your phone to save it to your notes app. She smiles at your determined look, as well as at Tikki once she floats up to sit on your shoulder and watch. 

"Well, remember to always feed Tikki something after you've transformed. Being in Hero form wears both of you out, always remember that." 

"I tend to like sweet stuff, like Macarons!" Tikki flies around your head excitedly, earning a chuckle from you. 

"Don't worry, I can supply you with plenty of those." Marinette smiles, holding out her finger to gently pet her former kwami's head. "Just stop by the bakery after school whenever you need to refill that box I gave you, okay?"

"Right, got it. What else should I know?" 

"Chat and I used to do afternoon patrols each day at around..six, I think. To give plenty of time to get homework done after school. We usually met in front of the Eiffel Tower, so you should spot him there. You guys can change up your schedule of course, but you should go over that with him rather than with me." 

"Afternoon patrols..six." You type the words into your phone, saving them. "Got it."

"Remember that you can't tell anyone your identity, or you could risk ending up like me..with a target on your back. With me knowing you're already at risk, and..I'm really sorry for that." She frowns, holding one of her arms with her hand. You put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her, and so she'll look at you. 

"I knew what I was signing up for, I took on this role for you voluntarily. I'll do my best to keep the city safe where you couldn't. And stay far away from Alya.

"..Thank you." She smiles before your peace is interrupted by Chloe abruptly sliding the door open. 

"What on earth are you two doing out in the rain? You're going to get colds and I'm gonna have to take care of this one when he's sick!" She gestures to you, earning a snicker from you and a smile of amusement from Marinette. 

"Don't worry, we were just going over boring stuff. We're done now. Plus we're shielded-" You step inside, Marinette following before she walks past you to go change herself. You grab what you want to wear today from your closet, yawning a bit. Maybe you shouldn't have had a sleepover on a school night..but it was so much fun! You should definitely have another. 

Once she steps out it's your turn to shower and change. The warm water feels good against your skin and lets you calm yourself enough to think about everything. 

Marinette searches her bag for what she needs, resting her hand on..an umbrella. She freezes when she feels it, pulling it out of the bag and looking over it with saddened eyes. Chloe glances over before averting her eyes. 

"You're still holding onto that?" She asks, abrupt. Marinette jolts, before turning to her.

"I'm going to give it back, I just..forgot it was in here. It's his, so..he should have it back anyway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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