20. Suspecting Luke ofc Erika hates him

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They arrived at a place where it was beach, The four's breath was heavy as the kids were panting, Erika actually thought she was about to die right now. "Where are we?" Percy asked, confused like normally.

"Turn off the lights." Annabeth said. To which, Percy turned the car off. The kids slowly got out of the car.

"Percy, Annabeth, wait, you guys, you guys are my best friends." Grover said as he also got out. Erika paid no mind to him as she knew she wasn't really close to him as she was with Clarisse and Annabeth. "Little weird that I forgot a lot more stuff than you guys did. Wonder what that's about." He added as the kids got soaking wet underneath the rain.

"Ew, I got wet again. Ugh." Erika mumbled to herself before she looked at Grover, "We weren't alone. It's easy to forget what's important when you're alone." She added, looking up at him with a smile on her face. Sure, she wasn't close to him, but she could comfort him in a way, right? She was still feeling guilty for some reason when he asked them if he was late because of him.

"I think I gotta go meet my dad now." Percy said, looking towards the ocean.

"We'll be here when you get back." Grover responded as Erika gazed up at the boy, her lips curved into a warm smile, She didn't know why, She just.. smiled at him.

"What do I say to him?" Percy asked himself.

"You'll know." Annabeth responded softly. Percy nodded before he finally went in the water, They stared at him.

As Percy got into deep water, the water was echoing around him. Suddenly, the messenger by Poseidon that told Percy to breathe at the temple, she approached Percy, "I'm sorry." She said, looking at the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "He waited as long as he could. The summer solstice passed earlier this evening. Zeus's deadline has elapsed. Your father has gone to marshal his forces to prepare for war. He asked that I relay a message. This is not your fault. You were brave. You were strong. You made your father proud. Now, it is time for you to return to camp." She said, staring at the boy as her hair was floating above her. She seemed scary looking, but also nice.

"No." Percy finally spoke. "I'm going to see this through."

"You are released from your quest." The messenger added, (idk her name, I'm sorry y'all)

"I don't care." Percy cut her off, "This is too important. The war is only the beginning of Hades's plan. There's something else coming. Something worse. My father doesn't know about this, does he? I have to stop him. I have to keep going. If you can help, then you must help."

"So willful." The messenger said, "Just like him." She then leaned closer to the boy. The light from her chest was flashing to the boy's face. "There is so much on him in you. We all see it. What belongs to the sea can always return.

Neried handed some pearls to Percy, "Each will provide one of you safe passage back from the Underworld." She said.

"There are four of them." He mumbled.

"Save the world and then go save your mother." Nereid said, looking down at the boy.

Meanwhile with Erika, Grover and Annabeth, They were still outside as the rain stopped, "Guys.. I need to say something." Erika said softly, holding the sword pendant between her fingers.

"Yeah?" Annabeth responded, looking at the brunette who is a little bit taller than her.

Erika hesitated for a second, "At the ride, Luke asked, 'How do you know?' .. I have a feeling he has to do something with the quest.. and so does my dad." She said softly, sitting at the front of the glass of the car. "I mean... His body language, it seemed.. Off. As if he was afraid."

"Erika-" Annabeth began, "Luke would never."

"And Clarisse would never." Erika responded, "I've been with Clarisse for like... five years, I know Clarisse, Clarisse could never steal the bolt. We both hate Zeus and want nothing to do with him." Erika said, holding the little sword pendant, As if she was missing someone.

"I like your pendant." Grover said, looking at Erika.

"Thanks, Uhm, Clarisse got it for me. She said she bullied some Hephaestus kids for making this for me, which is nice, She's really trying her best to be a great older sister, I guess." Erika chuckled, holding it tightly.

Annabeth ruffled Erika's hair. "It's fine, We'll be at camp soon." She added, looking at Erika, who seemed upset, which was rare, Annabeth had never seen Erika or Clarisse or any Ares kid upset.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now