Chapter I: Kauan on Karsitty

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On a Cold Winter's Day inside a Tank shed was a single lone T-34/85 Tank, a radio off to the side was playing an Instrumental Classical Music, with the Announcer mentioning it's the Helsinki Central Orchestra.

"Yo, Kaorin, You in here?" Questioned a Voice walking into the Shed, from under the T-34, A Bespectacled Girl pushed herself out from under the T-34, with only coveralls and mechanics clothing type.

"Yeah I am." The Girl spoke, This was Kaorin Marie Julin Mannerheim, known to students as K.M.J Mannerheim and by her friends as Kaorin, a 2nd Year Student.

"...And that was Mozart's  Piano Concerto No. 25, Up next is  Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major K. 488 by Mozart played by yours truly the Helsinki Central Orchestra..." Came the voice of the radio.

"So, Honoka what brings you here." Kaorin speaks to her friend, Also known by students as  K.M.K Laatikainen with the last being the surname.

"Oh you know, I'm just here to bring Lunch, you know Riko is on her way." Kyouka says, Riko being their other friend, Riko Kristiina Marja Talvela, known as R.K.M Talvela.

"Oh Wonderful, at least I can take a break from this Maintenance, God Mika can be so fucking annoying." Kaori says.

"Oh about that, come by the classroom later today." Riko stated as she walked in, with her own lunch box of food, with all three now sitting together and eating, talking about life, before long Maintenance was finished and they begun to head back to their second to last Lesson of the day, it Being maths.

Coincidentally all three friends have the same classes, apart from the last one being different.

Soon enough Maths was over and the three friends departed to different classrooms, with Riko and Kyouka sharing Art and Kaorin with History.

"Miss Kaorin, What Month and Year did the Finnish Civil War end." The Teacher spoke.

"15. Toukokuuta 1918.....15th May 1918, Sorry." Kaorin said before correcting herself, Since she knew finnish it was always her main language used at Home or talking with her mixed Finnish-Japanese friends.

"Very Good." The Teacher Replied, soon enough the class bell rang out and classes ended, walking to a different part of the school on the schoolship, Kaorin came up to the abandoned classrom and just waltzed in.

"Oh Kaorin, How was History, bah forget it, Boy do I have a Treat for you." Riko now spoke.

"This is Yuri, the Commander of the KV-1, With her is Tami and Tomi, both from the T-26 Tank and Finally Reino, a T-34 Commander, they have willingly stated and took the oath to support the coup." Riko finished.

"Ah welcome aboard." Kaorin stated, before walking up to the front.

Immediately flanked by one of her Self-proclaimed "bodyguards" and her Friend Honoka, she looked infront of her, the newly added Individuals alongside 24 other Students, with all being tankery students however 16 of them being apart of Kaorin's secret school paramilitary unit, called the Lotta Svärd after the Interwar and WWII Paramilitary, Lotta Svärd.

"Welcome to the Annual Meeting, with our new guests here, let's begin with the start of what will happen, when I give the Signal, which will be a simple light on and off 3 times, Half of you will secure the Tank Shed, the others handle the Student Council and the wannabe "Policewomen" who in reality hold no power and answer to the Student Council President." Kaorin stated.

"At which Point, Honoka and I along with 5 Lotta Svärd will simple just Usurp control and take Mika and her friends hostage, as we know where they'll be, Now with that out of the way, we have this plan set for 6 Days from now." Kaorin stated, before the door opened and a girl entered.

"They're coming this way, Mika and the others." The 16 Year Old 1st Year stated, and Immediately the classroom as turned into a sort of after-school club alike, with writing on the board stating 'History of Finland and it's Relationship with Japan' with Kaorin standing at front as those in the room sit down and pretend to listen.

"And in the early 1900s, the Japanese Government smuggled arms shipment and tried to fund Finnish Guerrillas and Resistance Movements against the Russians..." Kaorin speaks before the door opens with Mika entering.

"Ah, Good evening Mika, you just caught us in the middle of a small history lesson i was helping these guys with." Kaorin stated cooly.

"Hm, There seems nothing suspicious here to me, well continue on, but everyone don't forget in 6 Days time we leave for Tokyo to partake in the upcoming Sensha-do Competition." Mika finishes, before being followed by Mikko and Aki.

"Thank fuck, looks like we got to speed this up, The Coup begins in 4 Days time, for now adjourned, get sleep and return to your dorms in preparation for the weekend." Kaorin Finished.

With everyone leaving, Honoka and Riko stayed behind and walked with Kaorin to their shared dorm room.

"I understand the reason for moving the timetable up, but seriously why 4 days time, then again it seems odd we were only told today about participation in the Upcoming Sensha-do Competition." Honoka stated.

"Well we must remain unpredictable, just like my Relative, C.G.E Mannerheim stated." Kaorin finished.

"Alright that is fair, well I'll see you girls in the morning." Riko said as she turned and went into her dorm, leaving the other two girls to continue walking, finally coming up on their dorm room they shared, they opened the door and entered.

"Well, we have 5 Hours until Midnight, let's fuckin watch Moomin." Kaorin stated, and both girls decided to watch it before long it was 11pm and the girls decided to watch a bit of Youtube, a 24 Minute max Video from a Youtuber named Max0r titled 'An Incorrect Summary of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain' and watching it, before long it was midnight.

"Well, Can't wait for the coming days, I do hope everything goes smoothly." Honoka stated, already in her sleepwear and bed, she preferred the bottom bunk of their Bunk Bed.

"Think about it, we'll be in full control and make our Relative Ancestors proud, taking shit from no one and turning Continuation into a new Model school, One that doesn't completely rely on sneaking tactics." Kaori stated, already in bed, in her sleepwear.

"Got me there, well goodnight." Honoka finished, with both falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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