Chapter 4 | Is it real?

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Mary woke up in the morning completely tired. She couldn't sleep because Alexander stayed for longer than she expected. Her phone played the alarm music in a loop. She grabbed the device and turned off every alarm she set up for later. That's when she noticed a notification. It was a text message.

From: Unknown Number
"Have a nice day honey❤️ ~Jackson"

It was from Jackson. Mary got butterflies in her stomach and smiled widely when she thought of him. It was so sweet. She quickly saved his number and started to get ready.

In the living room there was Teresa sitting in the same armchair as yesterday and drinking her coffee while reading a newspaper. She didn't even look at her daughter when she entered the room. Mary went to the kitchen and found her grandma using a fork to stir her tea.

"Grandma" she asked. "What are you doing?"

"Oh Honig" she jumped when she saw her granddaughter. "I'm making чаи".

Чаи? Mary sighed and took the fork away. She put it in the sink and grabbed a spoon from the drawer. Julianne stared at her. The girl grabbed the cup and put a spoon in it.

"That would be more useful" she said.

"Thank you" Julianne took the cup and slowly headed outside the kitchen. She suddenly stopped, turned around and said:

"What a weird man this whole professor Casmid is. He gives me bad energy."

After saying that she turned again and left the room.


Mary took Stephanie's advice and headed to the left. She wanted to get to school safe, not fast so taking a longer route was the best option. The weather was nice. It was sunny, warm and moist. Perfect for walking. Her mother wouldn't talk to her the entire morning. Also she's the new girl at school so she didn't have any high hopes about finding a friend for life on the first day. The only person who seems to be talking to her today is professor Casmid. She got anxious only thinking about him. He was already scary the day before and now she's supposed to be alone with him at his house. She was praying to every god she knew for her to come back home safely. When she walked past the small shop at the corner she saw Jackson working behind the window. He saw her, waved at her and smiled. She waved back and felt that her cheeks turned red. He also started blushing, so he went back to work while the girl was still standing and looking. His presence was the best way to calm her down. After a longer moment she shook her head and started walking forward thinking it would be a good day.


Mary stopped fifteen minutes later in front of her new school. It wasn't big or small. A good sign, it would be hard to get lost. It was hard to miss, as there were only farmlands around. The nearest house was around 100 metres away. Bad and good at the same time. There was quite a big park on the right that she passed while getting there. When she looked around she noticed that a few houses right next to hers were visible. Going to the right would be way shorter than the route she took. Fortunately Casmid's house wasn't visible so she felt a little safer. If she passed it he could try to do something. Taking a longer route was worth it.

Mary entered the building. Inside she found herself in a big hall with a few pillars. On the right there were colourful lockers all over the wall. On the left there was a cafeteria. In front of her she saw a massive staircase leading to another floor. On the both sides, where the lockers and cafeteria ended she saw two hallways coming to the right and left. Both of them had doors and windows of the classrooms. Everything was decorated by students and teachers. It seemed amazing and bigger than it looked from the outside.

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