Chapter 5 - What a Jerk (Jimin)

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"But no matter what way you look at it, I always get what I want in the end," someone was saying and her head pivoted in the direction of the voice.

"Not always, surely," someone said, laughing a little as their small group sipped on whatever alcohol was inside their glasses. It was a pretentious event and she was here only because the old money she came from meant they were charity sponsors. Her family supported many charities but this was one she actually thought was doing what it was setting out to do so she didn't mind coming along to the auction tonight to represent their foundation. Still, most of the people here tonight would drive her crazy if she had to engage in a conversation with them for longer than a minute. Case in point, whatever dickhead was speaking nearby.

"Always, if you know what you're doing anyway," the voice continued and she wanted to reach her hands to his neck and throttle him. He was just the kind of guy that gave all men a bad name. Clearly arrogant, fully aware he was very good looking and seemed to think men were the superior gender. Definitely not the kind of guy she'd take home, that's for sure. And when he looked her way, noticed she was watching, he smirked, raised his glass to her before dismissing her almost before he turned away.

"What a prick."

"Hmmmm? Who," her best friend asked, looking in the direction she had been looking but she'd already turned away, not giving him the satisfaction of a lingering look.

"Oh just someone not worth a second glance. I plan on avoiding him for the evening though, he seems like a grade A ass."

Jiwoo laughed, knowing her friend well. He'd obviously done something to set her eyes glaring like that and it was likely that he was overly confident, something she loathed. Jiwoo attempted to focus her attention, trying to distract her before she got into a bad mood. "Thanks again for inviting me tonight. You know I love people watching at these events."

"Well, I needed a plus one and men are painfully scarce at the moment, decent ones anyway."

"Tell me about it. They're normally good looking and arrogant or they're rich and I'm not attracted to them or boring but have a good career. I was hoping to meet someone here though. Wouldn't say no to a one off to keep me from drying up even if they are a prick."

"Don't expect anything from these guys," she said, glancing his way again, "I think they all think far too much of themselves to even bother with a quick shag."

"I wasn't thinking quick, I was thinking I'd be going all night but you probably know better than me," Jiwoo said, glancing around.

And try as she might, she kept running into him the whole evening. Standing talking to people she knew, he'd be just over her shoulder talking to someone else. Reaching for nibbles on a tray only to find someone elses hand on the same tray of food, reaching at the same time. And all the time, his laughter was loud and grated on her nerves. So much so that she found herself distracted and only half listening to those talking to her when he was standing especially close. She thought she'd finally managed to shake what felt like was her shadow but turning, she banged straight into him. She was holding a particularly full glass and he reached to quickly steady her.

"Alright there," he asked and she could feel the cockiness dripping from him.

"Perfectly fine thank you," she seethed back.

"Maybe you should give the drink a rest. You might have had enough if you want to make sensible decisions," he said, leaning in so only she would hear. He was kind of hoping the sensible decision she made had something to do with coming back to his place later that night.

"What are you talking about," she hissed back. "I'm not drunk, I'm not even tipsy thank you very much. You banged into me."

"You're very welcome," he smirked, "and I think you'll find it was the other way round, you banged into me. Park Jimin," he said by way of an introduction, as if she didn't know who he was, "and you are," he continued, holding out his hand as he bowed a little and she reached for it automatically out of politeness before quickly dropping it when she realised what she was doing.

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