•part - 7• (2/2)

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Jimin: you lazy ass, this is not Going to end in this early because WE HAVE A DANCE PROGRAM

Every member are so excited specially jhope because you know he is very good dance, but me and suga are jot to much excited because I'm not interested at all and suga is lazy and so I just stand there.

Host: So guys, I hope you enjoying this marriage but today we have dance program so only couples are allowed so let's enjoy the dance.

Everyone clapping. And cheering

Host: so our first couple is our newly married couple so please welcome Jimin and rosè *clapping*

Jimin went to rosè and held her hand like gentleman, they are dancing everyone is clapping and enjoying but I noticed Yn is enjoying and smiling that made me smile to but why I'm smile? I shrugged off and watching dance. One by one couple are going to stage And dancing, but but where is Yn going with that Yeonjun, I continuously staring at them
until I noticed that Yeonjun holding Yn hands and going towards stage, I cleched my jaw, they are dancing like couple Yeonjun holding Yn waist and yn put her hands in his shoulder they are staring each other, I gulped my wine In one, everyone is saying that they are made for each other.... huh?
Made for eachother in my foot... wait a minute why I'm jealous huh? Ya taehyung what are you doing? I shrugged off and staring at them until they do in next, I widened my eyes and burning in anger,
that bitch Yeonjun stop his dance and peck Yn forehead I clenched my jaw and left from there, jimin following me I went in washroom and smashed door harshly... I swear if he meet me in alone I will cut her hand and feed street dog, I heard jimin knocking the door, I open the door

Jimin: why are you leave from there tae, why are you so angry *worried*

Taehyung: nothing. *cold*

Jimin: something is wrong tae, please tell me I'm you soulmate tae? *putting his hand in Taehyung shoulder* wait are you perhaps jealous?

Taehyung: why would I jealous? Huh? *looked away*

Jimin: oh, shut up tae you thinking I can't understand anything huh? I know you like Yn.

I widen my eyes

Taehyung: no, who tell you this, I don't like yn *nervously*

Jimin: I know everything, from the beginning tae, where you meet yn for the first time I saw in your eyes tae, and today Yeonjun dance with yn I can clearly see your jealousy.

Taehyung: yes I LIKE YN.
(Finely you admit that you like yn 😁)

Jimin: I know you pabo (idiot) but don't be jealous of Yeonjun he is yn childhood friend just friends okay tae *patted tae shoulder*

Taehyung: yeah *heavy sigh*

After that we left from there And went to hall I saw jungkook is angry I don't know why. We sat there where other members sitting but jungkook is still standing there,

Jin: jungkook why are you standing?


Jin: yah, I talking to you jungkookaa? *little bit shout*


Jin pull his one arm and make him sit.

Jin: jungkook where are you lost? I called you multiple time but you didn't heard?

Jungkook: huh? no hyung I was just thinking random things *smile*

Jungkook pov

Tae hyung and jimin hyung are going washroom actually tae hyung is like angry and went from here and jimin hyung is following his. I ingored that and talking to members until I heard beautiful voice as I turned back my eyes widen as I saw the person..... she's looking damn gorgeous in this dress,

~HIS OBSESSION~ ||kim Taehyung FF||Where stories live. Discover now