Lady Depression

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She walks with confidence

Her red dress flowing behind her

Leaving a trail of fire

Her whispers are intoxicating

Truth seeps from her lips

Her touch electrifying  

You’ll deny her existence

She seems too good to be true

She’ll be persistent assuring you otherwise

She’ll tell you things you wouldn’t want to hear

Whispering them softly

She’ll tell you that she wants you to open your eyes

To see the pointless world she sees

The pointless life everyone lives

She’ll talk of a corrupt world

And soon you’ll find yourself agreeing

She’ll smile

Then reach for your hand

Whispering things that will reach the cortex of your brain

Making you feel numb

Youll ask her why me?

She'll say your a good man

That theres still Hope for you

Her touch reassures her words

She’ll walk away leaving you feeling like you have finally opened your eyes

You’ll start to question everything

You won’t trust anyone anymore

You’ll be fed up of how people treat you

You’ll finally start to look around and see corruptness

You’ll feel as if you’re the only sane one left in this world

Then she’ll appear again

She told you this was going to happen

She Knows all of this

She’ll tell you that she wants to change the world

She assures you

Her beauty blinding

Her words are music

Her eyes majestic

Her touch is Real

She’ll leave you again

A feeling will start to grow

It’ll feel like loneliness

Days will pass

Her face is all you imagine

Her words seem to truthful now

You’ll smile

Knowing she feels the same way too

You look at the world as a dying race





You’ll start to question your existence


The world is so cruel

The people in it are so blind

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2011 ⏰

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