•{First Meeting}•

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Hi! Writer here!

Their will be characters in the story that r not yeosm's characters this is a BL story!

(Bay a 21 year old male)

(Pur a 19 year old male)

Their once a guy, name pur who hates everyone and everybody, he was known as the purple mage, pur always gets bullied everytime he is out of his motel room, even if pur has magic to protect himself.. He didn't want to use it.. Cause if he uses it to protect himself, it will hurt the other person and everything will just get worse for pur, he didn't want that.. So he learned to accept it..

Pur was minding his business, he was walking on the sidewalk while he reads a book, until something hit him on the head

Pur: ACK!-

Pur dropped his book as he almost lost his balance

Pur then heard people laughing behind him, pur sighed in frustration, as he stood back up

Pur(thoughts): not again..

Pur thought to himself as he turn around to see "Aden, asriel, ema and erly" laughing hard

Aden: HAHAHA! Maybe I should of threw it harder!

Pur: cut it out..

Asriel: aw come on purple head! We're just getting started.. AHAHA!

Ema: AHAHA!! oh and don't forget about our little trade..

Erly: lol! If u want us to stop here and now, then pay up, magic boy!

Pur: .. I don't have any money with me.. I.. Forgot to bring.. Any..

Aden: hm.. Well Then.. I'll just teach u not to FORGET!

Aden said as he walked towards pur with his fist clinched

Pur took a step back as he knew what's going to happen

Pur(thoughts): damn it..

Pur turns around and runs away from the group


The group ran after pur, just to beat the shit out of him

(With bays pov)

???: bay come on! It's not like that! ಥ_ಥ

Bay: uh huh.. It's pretty obvious din! Just tell him!

Din: nuh uh! He will reject me
(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

Bay: so much for confidence
( ̄∇ ̄)

Din: hey! I'm just waiting for the right timeヽ('д´;)/

Bay: yeah ok (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Bay and din was focused on their convo that they didn't see pur running towards their direction, pur didn't see bay and din since he was looking behind him, checking if he lost the group

So ofc, pur bumped on din but not to bay, since bay is standing on the road, since he crossed a while ago, while din was standing on the middle of the sidewalk

Din: AGH!-

Pur: Shi-

Both din and pur fell to the ground, but pur immediately stood up, and helped din up w/out saying a word

Bay: ( ˊ• ─ •ˋ )?..

Din: ( •▽• )..

Pur just continues to run leaving bay and din confused

•( THE DAY I MET U)•Where stories live. Discover now