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(A/N: okay so this is a story heehee obviously but I am writing this on my phone because my laptop sucks...and I dunno how to show who the characters are..but if you can see it up above is a picture of Keke Palmer she will be playing Ann in the story. Basically the main character heehee. But Harry Styles is him self but not a celebrity heehee..and the other characters will appear as we go along with the story. Okay thank you love you bai!❤)

~Ann's Pov~
I awake to my baby blue ceiling in the bright room, rubbing my eyes just trying to get the adjused to the light. I get adjitated with my stupid alarm that has the same annoying beep going off five days of each week at 6:00 AM signaling me that its time to get up.
A groan escapes my chapped lips as i stumble out of bed and crawl to my closet to find my clothes for today. I pick out my outfit and walk to my small but decent looking bathroom and do my hygiene routine. "I went into the bathroom looking like a beast and now I come out looking like a beauty...wow ha." I laugh at my horrible joke and get dressed. Quickly taking a good look in my mirror and doing a little turn and chuckles at the end. Grabs my purse and keys heading for the door when i realize I forgot my phone . Quickly I run back to my room and grab my phone off of the yellow night stand and run out of the door ready to begin another day with work. "Yippie!" I sarcastically yell out of my window as I drive down the street to my job, not really caring if the person in the car over was looking at me like a crazy person. I soon arive to my job at Lindas candy shop..oh joy. I walk in with a huge fake smile that is forced to be shown everyday. Linda soon spots me and her loud voice captures my attention (there will be a picture of Linda in the next chapter)
"Ann! Hi how was your weekend sweetheart?" She waves her hand showing off her perfectly manicured nails at me and I mentally roll my eyes and my feet carries my body over to her but my hands that are balled up into a fist are trying to tell them to stop...but no, my feet won't listen. Before I knew it I was infront of her. "It was very relaxing." I say in the nicest way as possible.
"Oh darn, I was hoping something bad would happen because I honestly don't care hun." A smirk plays on her bright red lips and I laugh at how rude she is and I turn on my heels and walk away ignoring her ignorance but I really want to slap the drawn on eyebrows off her dumb face..yet I keep my chill and walk over to where I have to be and I lean onto the counter waiting for someone to walk in and buy some of this candy..

(A/N: okay heehee this is the end of chp. 1 I hope you all like it so far. Thank you bai bai see you next time!

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