Chapter 5 | Romeo & Juliet

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After school she headed straight forward. It was very warm outside and her conversation with Lucy made her sweat from stress and fear. She stood in front of Casmid's house, wanting to run away and not look back. But her mother would probably kill her if she did so she had no choice. She knocked on the old door and heard footsteps. Now there was no turning back. The door opened and Casmid stood behind them. He smiled when he saw her.

"Oh... hello pumpkin. Come inside."

Mary went in and he closed the door behind her. Inside of his house there was a very wide room taking up all of the ground floor. There were two sofas on her left, a bookshelf on the wall in front, a big table with chairs in the top left corner, art supplies in the middle of the room and a fireplace on the right wall. There were also stairs in the top right corner leading to the first floor. Everything was decorated in red, gold and dark wood. Every window was covered with thick, massive and heavy curtains. It was cozy but pretty scary too.

"Have a seat. Wherever you want."

Mary sat down on a chair and he sat down on her left.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"No thanks" she took out a paper Carolina gave her and handed it to him. He looked at it and smiled.

"What do you want to start from?"

"I don't know. You're the tutor here, professor."

He giggled.

"Right" he looked at the list. "I believe we should read 'Romeo & Juliet' first. It's not long, but it seems that the rest is easy. We need time to read the whole book. And please don't call me 'professor'. It's too formal."

"Okay" she took the list from him. He got up and grabbed a book from his bookshelf.

"May I read it for you?"

"I can do it on my own."

"I insist" he sat down again. "I enjoy reading out loud just as much as I enjoy tutoring."

Mary got a shiver and nodded. He moved his chair closer to hers and started reading:

"Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."

His hands were definately unclean. There's no way he's so creepy for no reason.

"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows

Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.

The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,

And the continuance of their parents' rage,

Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,

Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage..."

Mary tried listening but his voice had something that made her breathe faster. The fact that she was with him all alone was freaking her out. She felt cold and uncomfortable. Alexander stopped reading and looked at her.

"You're scared of me. Am I correct?"

Mary looked away.

"You are scared of me" he got up and stood behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders. She closed her eyes, but instead of pain she felt a warm wave coming up her body. She opened her eyes and realized that he was giving her a massage.

"Oh pumpkin, you have to relax if you want to remember anything from our lessons. I told you I don't bite'' he whispered to her. His hands moved slowly on her shoulders, making gentle movements that made her body melt. The entire fear disappeared and was turned by him into waves of pleasure. His touch was weirdly comforting. He suddenly stopped, grabbed a book from the table and asked:

"The sofa would be more comfortable. What do you think?"

Mary nodded sadly. Why does everything nice have to stop so suddenly?! She grabbed her bag and sat next to Casmid on the sofa. He looked at her and smiled. She got comfortable and smiled back.

"May I continue?"

"Yeah, sure" she got happy thinking he would massage her again but he started reading instead. His voice was still scary but warmer and more relaxing than before. It was scary what power just a little bit of massage has. Casmid moved closer to Mary, wrapped his arm around her and started to play with her hair. She looked at his focused face. He seemed less scary than before. What if there was nothing to be afraid of? After all, he was nice to her. His hand made harder movements on her head. That's when Mary remembered everything she knew and moved away from him. Alexander looked at her a bit shocked but said nothing and continued reading. All her fears came back. He tried to fool her with the innocent touch and she almost fell for it.


Later that day Mary was preparing to go to bed. She turned off the lights and jumped into her bed. Her mother was still giving her a silent treatment, she didn't even ask about Alexander. Nothing at all. Her grandma was laying in her bedroom all day watching tv. She talked to Lucy over the phone. She was busy so they agreed to talk the next day at school. Jackson sent her a "good night" text. She replied back but missed him. She probably wouldn't see him for the entire week because of school and everyday meetings with Casmid. They weren't that bad, but she still had a bad feeling about him.

Her thoughts were stopped by some weird noises behind her window. It seemed that somebody was trying to look through it. Mary quickly turned on the light and everything stopped. She looked out but saw nothing in the darkness. She grabbed a thick blanket and attached it to the window frame with some duct tape. It should last till the morning. Mary looked at her work, turned off the lights and went back to sleep peacefully. Whatever that was wouldn't be looking at her that night.

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