𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6

212 4 8

Warning ⚠️

Su!¢ida/ thoughts


Sexual activities

Mistakes in grammar and spelling



Dust woke up first that morning. He wanted to see nightmare, they had been pretty distant this week which dust didn't like. Dust got out of his bed and headed to the bathroom in his room to brush his teeth, wash then go to his closet to get dressed. Once he was done, he heard horror crying. Dust when to horrors room got him out of his crib and tried to calm horror down but it only helped a bit and horror began to cry more. Dust put horror back in his crib and left to get nightmare, when he got there, dust opened the door slowly to find nightmare still sleeping. Dust walked over to the bed and climbed up on to bed cause it was a bit bigger that him. Dust shook nightmare saying "mom? Horror is crying and I can't calm him down". Nightmare woke up and noticed dust "oh dust what wrong?" Nightmare said still waking up. "Horror crying, I tried to calm him down so I wouldn't have to wake you but it didn't work." Dust answered. "Thank you for trying dusty now let's go calm you little brother" nightmare said as he got up out of the bed and picking up dust. Nightmare headed out of his room and went to horrors room. Nightmare put dust down and got horror out of the crib. "Shh horror it's ok." Nightmare said while holding horror. Horror still wouldn't calm down, nightmare put his hand on horrors forehead and made a calm aura. It worked horror began to stop crying and settle down. "Wow I didn't know you could do that mom!?" Dust said in surprise but quitely so he wouldn't make horror cry. "hmm you are right dust I haven't shown you what I can do, I'll do so when you are older." Nightmare said calmly. "How about you come help me with breakfast ?" Nightmare asked dust. "Yes mama" dust excited running out the room downstairs.

Time skip( after error woke up and breakfast)

Nightmare, dust, error and horror where now in the living room just hanging out. "Hey mare what are you reading?" Error asked sitting on the couch. "Hm? Oh this book is like a spell book that contains every power I have, I read it because I haven't learned everything yet" nightmare says. " wow nightmar there is a lot we don't know about you." Error says. Later that day when everone was doing whatever, nighmare got a sharp pain in his chest and began to feel weak. Nightmare put his hand out as if he where going ro grab something but a paper like object comes out of no where. Nightmare looks at the paper just to see how the balanced is dangerously off. "Damn glow stick and his friends." Nightmare says pissed. Nightmare makes his way down stairs quite pissed. "Wow whats got so angry mare?" Error asks worried and suprised. " that da- sigh... Dream and his "friends" are what" nightmare said noticing dust snd horror. " oh are you going out mom? Can i come pleasessss" dust said over hearing the conversation. Nightmare thinks a bit before it got ruined by a sharp pain is his chest. "Agh! Damn glow light!". Nightmare says dropping down to his knees holding his chest.  " mom!?" Dust says putting horror in his play pin and running over to nightmare. "Mare!?" Error says running over to nightmare as well. "Im fine and yes dust you may come along but stay close." Nightmare said weakly.

(Time skip when nighmare error and dust got to a random au)

Nightmare began to feel better already plus with the help of dust and error it was easy. Then the stars came. "Dust come here now!" Nightmare said noticing the stars. "Yes mom?" Dust said confused and a bit scared that he had did something wrong. "Get behind me the people i told you about are here" nightmare said getting ready to fight. "Nightmare what are you doing here and what are you doing with that child!" Dream yelled. "Error what are you going!? He is just using you for negativity!" Ink said with his brush in hand. "Oh shut up paint stain" nightmare and error said. "Mom i can sneak behind the blue one and knock him out." Dust said whispering behind nightmare. "Hmmm great observation dust just be careful." Nightmare said before focussing on the stars again. "Look dream I've told many times before i have a good reason to be doing this snd you know that, im your twin brother.!" Nightmare said still ready for any attack. "Your not my brother and never will be your a monster.!" Dream said befor shooting and arrow at nightmare. On the other hand with dust, he is behind blue. Dust jumps up and hits blue with a bone attack before teleporting next to nightmare. The other two stars turn around to find blue knocked out. "Blue!?" Dream says running over to his friend. Ink has had enough and charged at nightmare swinging his brush which has blue paint. Nightmare goes to douge it but most of it hits half of his face. The blue paint acts like water, nightmarr cant touch water. (𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕚𝕟 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 1 𝕠𝕣 2) nightmars lets out screams of pain and falls to the grownd. " you damn bi₮ł₵Ⱨ!?" Nightmare says as the goop melts from his face, revealing white bones and a lavender eye. "Momma!? Dust says with tears in his eye running to nightmare. " im om dust just a little hurt". Nightmare says still on the ground. Nightmare gets up, the stars are shocked at the evet the just took place. " lets go, oh and thanks for the negativity. " nightmare says to the stars before leaving through a portal.

(Time skip later that night in nightmares room)
Smut warning⚠️⚠️

Nightmare was in his room getting ready with error (𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕨). After nightmare got ready he made a portal to the library, grabed a book and got in his bed. Error was in the bathroom getting ready. But he ended up getting a Boner(𝕚𝕕𝕜 𝕚𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕡𝕦𝕟 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕕) error face lit up with blush. Should he ask nightmare for help? What would he say? Will nightmare want to break up!?. A lot of thought went through errors head. Error sighed "it would be best to ask for help" error thought. Error opened the door and called nightmare over to ask. "Yes my love" nightmare said looking at error when he walked over. ". C-c-could  y-you h-h-help me with s-s-something?" Error said nervouse as fuck. "What is it you need help with my dear?" Nightmare said worried. " i-i ha-have a boner" error said still nervous. Nightmare.blushed a lot but noded slightly. "I will help you....but please dont force anything..." Nightmare said remembering past experiences. "I wont i promise" error said. Nightmare locked the door and headed to the bed to get started. "Is this your first time mare?" Error said just to make sure. ".....n-n-not forcefully yes...." Nightmare said sitting on the bed. "Its ok nighty i wont hurt you i promise, I'll stop when you say. Nightmare smiled.(smut start here⚠️⚠️)

error takes of his pants to revealed a huge and hard dick.(remember they are half human) "w-wow it's big" nightmare thought. Nightmare kissed the tip just to tease error, he moaned a bit. Nightmare licked errors dick with both tonges. "Y-mm~~ you have two!?" Error said his voice full of lust and pleasure. Nightmare the stuck it in his mouth, taking it all and deep throatting it with ease. "Oh god nighty your good at this~" error said. Error came ten minutes later. " hmm its still hard" nightmare said licking the cum of his lips. "Also you taste lovely my dear~" nightmare said seductively. Error then asked " c-c-can i penetrate you?" Nightmare paused for a second and said "of course my love~". Error and nightmare got into a position to where nightmare was under error. " would you like me to prepare you since it's you first time.? " error asked. "No need i love pain especially from you just go a little slow ok" nightmare said. Error noded and lined his dick up with nightmares whole. Error got the tip in and then shoved the entire thing in "ahhhh~!" Nightmare moaned as error started to thrust slowly. "God nighty your so tight i love it~~." Error said as he bagan to go faster soon enough the bed was banging the wall. Ah-ahhhh-ah~~ nightmare was a moaning mess, his eyes where crossed and his tongue out of his mouth "please dont stop error~~~!" Nightmare begged. Soon nightmare and error switched positions nightmare was still under error but he was on hand and knees. Error put his dick back in and instantly went back to going fast. "God nighty you just so perfect~"
"Ahhhh~ mmm~ d-don-dont stop error please i beg you~!" "I've got the king of negativity begging am that good you slut?" " yes!" "Do you want me to cum in or out nighty" "out love" error turned nightmare around while he was still in him so he would be on his back. Error came all over nightmare. (Smut comes to a end⚠️⚠️⚠️)

Hi as you can see i got lazy but i hope you enjoyed chapter 6. Also i am sick at the moment so i will be taking an break.

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