十三 | Small Adventure

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No ones pov

Now that the demon race assumed the phoenix was dead, it was the best if Natori stayed in the headquarters. She didn't mind it though.

Tonight, the flame hashira had another patrol and already left midday because the assigned village was far away.

But Senjuro was restless and Natori, who just came out from the butterfly estate, met him on the way.
"What wrong? Why are you in a hurry?" she asked.

It took him a while to talk since he was catching his breath after running for a while, "Niisan... *pant* forgot his... bento box. I don't think... I can catch up to him."

"Ahem," Natori patted her chest while giving him a snal grin, "don't you have me?"


"That's awesome, Natori!" Senjuro gasped while his orbs shone in the orange pink sky. The phoenix underneath him chirped in response while fastening her pace.

After a while, she heard him shout, "That's nissan!" and she followed his finger pointing at Kyojuro underneath them.

It seems like he noticed them and looked up at them. He waved excitingly while Natori landed next to him.

"What brings you here, Natori?" he asked with a smile.

"Well, you forgot something and Senjuro wanted to bring it to you." As she said that, Senjuro jumped down from her back and gave the bento box to his brother. "You forgot you food, niisan."

"Thank you Senjuro! And Natori!" he exclaimed, "Make sure to get home before sunset. If not, do you have money with you? Stay in an inn until the next day."

"Hai, be careful!"

"Stay safe." Natori added.

As they flew back, racing with the sunset, it still got dark soon. The phoenix was slowly landing towards the nearest town she saw. "Senjuro, you have money do you? If not, I can think of something." she asked.

"I have, don't worry." he replied, then he noticed the bright town, "Hm? It's bright there."

"I know." Natori replied, "Let's check it out. Maybe we could find an inn there."

Arrived in the forest next to the town, the phoenix turned smaller but wasn't sure to enter the town like this. Besides, Senjuro is still a child and shouldn't go alone...

Senjuro seemed to have read her mind and asked her to wait for a moment and he ran towards the town.

Some minutes later, he came back with a wine red hooded cape.
"It's lively there, I wonder what special occasion is today." he said while helping her wear the cape as she transformed back. "Now nobody will notice you have wings!" he added.

"Thank you Senjuro!" she smiled, "Let's go then!"

Even though it was dark, inside the town was bright and they could hear drums nearby. Out of curiosity, they followed the sounds.

'This street.... looks familiar...' Natori thought.

They spotted a small parade walking around a temple and suddenly one man saw them and approached them.

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc! Reader] Where stories live. Discover now