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When we arrived home I was thinking about Justin and Kaitlin 's relationship then I remembered Matthew this stupid jerk !! How could he call me ? And what does he want from me now ? Also what is wrong with everyone why do they choose 8:00 pm? Like they know that all the bad things happens at this time.

I was brought back to reality by Robin's laugh he was sitting beside Justin both were talking I don't know what they were talking about but I started to laugh too because of Robin's hilarious laughter I looked at Justin he was smiling at me.

"You went to defend the girl?"Robin said while laughing I barely could hear what he was saying I didn't understand what he was talking about so I made a questioning expression.

"Like please! What if he hit you ? What made you sure that he may not hit you just like the other girl ?" Robin continued then looked seriously at me waiting for my answer now I knew what he was talking about, my first meeting with Keaton.

"I don't know but if you can help then you should help I couldn't just stand there watching her being hit" I replied, I looked at Justin who was sitting looking at me like he is interested to know what kind of opinions I have and the thoughts that causes most of my kinda stupid actions.

"How cute!" Robin teased I looked back at him.

"But courage !" He continued giggling.

It was a long conversation between me and Robin, Justin was sitting on the couch resting his back on a cushion crossing his ankles and placing his head back on his elbows, he was silent all the time just looking up at the roof I wasn't sure what he was doing or why he remained silent, but what I was thinking about is the huge differences between Justin and Robin, Robin is so talkative, happy and normal he doesn't have this dark quiet and thinking side that Justin has. There must be something happened something that made Justin such a ... him.

I changed my cloth and wore my Pj or rather say one of Justin's pjs, I was really confused so now should I go to sleep next to Justin ? Or I'll sleep in my room ? But now Robin is there ! So I think I'll sleep on the couch, I walked out of the bathroom heading to the living room I took a pillow from Justin's bed.

"Where are you going?" A raspy voice said behind me.

"Ah I'm sorry I thought you wouldn't mind me taking the pillow" a questioning expression showed on Justin's face.

"I ... will sleep downstairs today" I said smiling showing that it's okay I mean I didn't mind it.

"Downstairs ?" Justin said his eyebrow was raised.

"Ah i-it's not like I don't want to sleep next to you, your chest is extremely warm and comfortable b-but I-I didn't want to bother you" shit what did I just say?!! I felt so stupid explaining how great is sleeping next to him moving my hands up and down I don't know why but it helps. Justin laughed out loud I don't blame him but I think a quiet chuckle would make me feel better. as my hand finally settled he caught a hold on my hand grabbing me behind him.

"Just come" he said smiling and motioning to me to follow him isn't he adorable he's so beautiful !

As we entered the room Justin let my hand I stood still in front of the door watching Justin taking off his shirt as usual causing me heart attacks showing his muscles does he know how great is he ? He got into bed he rose his head.

"Still not coming ? I won't hug you if that will make you more comfortable" he said winking at me.

"Aaah no it's okay" I said I looked totally stupid in this baggy cloth holding the pillow in my hand kind of dragging it behind me. One of the pj shirt's shoulder fell off my shoulder revealing my red bra strap Justin smirked bit his lips preventing himself from laughing out loud, I blushed as he said "even better" I brought the pillow up to my chest hugging it as my black hair locks fell on my face some over my shoulder tickling my skin.

I got into bed next to Justin he rolled himself to face me our faces are few centimeters away from each other I felt that Justin isn't okay.

"You okay?" I asked

"I don't know it's so hot here" Justin said quietly his voice is slightly fading.

I placed my hand on his forehead.

"You're hot!" he chuckled as I said my hand still moving down to his cheeks "no Justin I'm serious" my hands reached to his neck it was so hot.

"Shit !! Your temperature! Justin!!" I walked out of bed heading downstairs to look for a medicine or something I didn't find anything so I went upstairs again to have a look on Justin I actually didn't know what to do its the first time I be in the position of taking care of somebody.

Justin looked so sick I placed few pillows beneath his head and covered him he was so calm and sweating I was scared that it might be a serious thing, as I made sure he is okay I head downstairs again to make compresses for him, I put the compress on Justin's forehead my hand were shaking that little drops of water fell on Justin's face his eyes were closed but his lips parted into a wide smile.

"What are you doing ?" He said chuckling.

I was confused I feel like a total idiot I don't cook, take care of myself or even help in anything ! While Justin worked for his own family living while he's 18, joined a gang, took care of his brother making him continue in eduction and he also cook rather not mentioning that he protect me and most of everyone else and knows what to do for sick people.

"Ah god how useless I am !" I whispered.

Justin showed his cute smile again "you're not" he said quietly then sat properly pushing himself up to rest his back, he extended his hand to hold mine guiding it to his forehead making me put the compress on it.

"Here you go, now you're helping very very much" he said in a calm and quiet tone smiling, I know I'm still useless but the he talks, acts and smiles makes me feel better already.

"I wanna hug!! you but you're probably feeling pain" I used my childish voice, I know how stupid I look but I don't mind I feel like with Justin I can do whatever I want or be myself to the fullest, his hug is amazing making you feel so warm and makes you feel better.

"I wanna do more actually but I'm afraid you may catch the sickness from me" he laughed sliding his tongue out wetting his lower lip.

"I'll take the risk!" I said quickly jumping on Justin pulling him towards me even though I'm the one holding him I feel that he is the one hugging me. I tingled as I felt something so cold on my back I jumped off the bed then something was dropped on the floor, Justin was laughing out loud as I realized that his compress fell on my back as I hugged him.

"Not funny" I said laughing myself.

Justin quickly fell asleep as it got quieter I didn't want to brother him so I pulled a chair closer to his bed, I sat on it then brought my legs to me chest hugging them and placing my chin on my knees I watched Justin as he slept quietly looking like an angel.

Justin's POV

I watched as Silver waited for me to sleep, I wasn't I liked to watch her instead, she dragged a chair to sit in front of me. She looks adorable sitting there watching with an innocent look on her face even though she is so crystal clear but it still annoys me that I can't read what on her mind, most of her actions is so stupid she doesn't mean it in the ways people think because simply she is more innocent and clumsy than anyone else thinks I wanted to know what kind of ideas and thoughts made her act so risky and brave when she's so weak what made her so kind in a world that full of badness and tragedies what made her such a ... her.

The feeling that came along when Silver panicked as my temperature went higher than usual was indescribable, seeing the fear in her eyes trying so hard to do anything, the way she hugged me and cared about me is something that I lost twice but one with a huge effects on me, once when my dad left us letting us know how horrible his life was by having us and another time when my mom got really sick and she wasn't able to take of us anymore. Simply only one person gave me all what I've lost in few days, Silver.


Guys thanks again for the reads and the votes I read your comments and replied you can't imagine how happy I am right now! I want to wish a good evening for @heather42589232, (DaliaM), haleycoxs, daddygirl123, imbelieber12 PatriciaChestnut and Belieber_4life13 while reading this.

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