Her Confession

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{james' pov--}

-right before the graduation-

I saw one of my friends walk up to me. "Um, hey James...Can we talk after the celebration?" She asked nervously, lacing her fingers together. I gave her an odd look. "Why can't you tell me now?" I queried and she bit her lip.

"Well, um...I don't know how long I will take to explain..." She murmured quietly, her hands fidgeting. I looked at her, concerned. "Cadence, are you okay?" I asked her worriedly. She was quiet for a while before responding. "No, I'm fine. Don't worry." She avoided my gaze.

I wanted to press her more, but I studied her expression and didn't pry. She was going to tell me later anyways.

-time skip to after the celebration-

I followed Cadence aside. "So, what is it?" I questioned. She laced her fingers together. She looked down at her feet and spoke in a quiet, shy, and almost inaudible voice. "Um...Well the truth is...James...I like you...a lot...and not in the friend way. The romantic way." She whispered.

I stared at her in shock for a few moments, speechless. When I didn't respond, Cadence blushed deeply and stared intently at her feet. "Ah, I'm sorry..." I shocked myself as those three words tumbled out of my mouth. What am I saying!? That's not what I mean...what was I even trying to say 'I am sorry for not confessing earlier, but I like you, too?' Those words will definitly be taken the wrong way.

Cadence shrank away from me. "Ah, of course, I see...Well good luck in college!" The golden-haired girl gave me a smile that was obviously faked and forced. Then darted off. "Wait, Cad-" I called after her, but she was gone. Regretfully, I trudged over to my car and drove off.

Pain stabbed my heart and I cursed at myself repeatedly. I'm such a dumbshit! I cursed in my head. I hope I can explain this to her... My gaze shifted over to my phone. I tried texting her.

Hey, um, Cadence...about earlier...can we talk?

I hit send and a message popped up on my screen. 'Sorry, this number is currently no longer valid and is a currently unowned number. The person you are trying to contact no longer has possession of this number'. "Screw it!" I screamed and threw my phone. It landed with a thud on the floor of my room.

-At Cadence's house-

{cadence's pov--}

I collapsed on my bed, memorizing my new phone number. I re-entered one of my friends number and texted them.

Hey, this is Cadie's new number.

I guess from the fact you have a new number, it went bad?

Yeah...He totally rejected me.

Hmm, he better hope he doesn't end up at the same college as me...

You are the same as ever...

That is a good thing, right?

I rolled my eyes and responded.

You always can make my mood better...Anyways, it is ur fault 4 giving me that fking advice!

Sorry, sorry. From what you said, I thought there might be a chance...

Well you were wrong...well bye. It is getting late.

I glanced at the time. 12:49 am.

Well, bye. Goodnight.

I didn't reply and shut off my phone. I buried myself under the covers and let out the tears I had been holding in.
After a while, I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up it was 11:56 pm. Well, shit. I thought. I reached for my phone and called the college I had been accepted into. "Hello?" A woman's voice said on the other side of the phone. "Ah, yes. This is Cadence Martinez. I'd like to cancel my registration." I replied. "Ah, okay, miss, one sec..." The lady responded.

After about a half an hour, everything was set. I sighed and curled up into a ball. I wannna die... I wandered into my kitchen and gripped a knife. I held it shakily up to my arm. Slice. Slice. Slice. After I was done, several cuts riddled my left arm. I put the knife down and cried. Fuck my life...

This is basically a prologue...there will be le time skips and lots of them
The plot will thicken here and there but enjoy...

inSANITYNoelle signing off!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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