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Third person pov.

Jimin entered the airport with leora who can walk with stick now. Melliva wanted to accompany them and send his son safe and sound to New York but our jimin strictly ordered her not to come. Melliva's heart broke, she can't bear jimin's hatred towards her. She apologized many times but jimin didn't forgive her. What do you except from him when you insulted him, slapped him, and chased him out from your own house for some bloody betrayer without knowing his true colours. But she is his mother, her trust and promise blinded her eyes. But she can't leave jimin alone especially when she knew he would never return again from New York. So she too came to airport but hid herself from jimin's sight. She just wanted to see her son for last time, yes she is going to end her life as soon as sending jimin to New York. She can't live with jimin's hatred and she don't deserve to live when she ruined her son's life by herself. Well it's like according to her. 

"Jimin do you really want to leave us? I know it's your dream job but you are saying you're going to settle there permanently?" Leora asked with tears beamed eyes. Jimin's heart broke at the sight.

"Leo, I really hate this Seoul, this City has only worst memory of mine but I can't deny the fact that the time I spent with you and mom are really precious to me. I'm sorry Leo, I decided and I'm not backing away. But I promise you yearly trice I will come and meet you and mom. Please take yourself and mom. I didn't even talk to her, I feel bad for her. Tell her that I really love her Leo--"

"Flight 1221 would be arriving in 2 minutes, passengers are requested to get ready"

"Okay Leo bye, I will really miss you and mom. Take of her and yourself too. Eat on time, take your medicine on time. I love you so much" jimin said in hurry and hugged her and gave a quick peck in her forehead before going but leora held his arms and hugged him tightly once more and showering his whole face with numerous kisses.

"Take care of yourself too. Eat on time. Don't starve and call me immediately once you reach New York. I love you too minnie" Leora said.

"Okay Leo, bye love you" jimin said and ran inside. Leora waved at him before wipping her tears. She is going to miss her baby.

Melliva on the other hand cried cupping her mouth, she couldn't send off her own child. Oh how badly she want to hug him and beg him not to leave. What a cruel fate.


In park mansion

Mellive opened the night stand drawer from her bedroom and took out small bottle filled small white tablets. She opened the bottle and took the pills in her palms, nearly 20 pills. She closed her eyes as tears rolled down before taking the water bottle and opening the cap. She was about to put the tablets in her mouth when suddenly someone slapped her hand away making the tablets and bottle fall on the floor. Melliva turned and saw leora standing there with red shot eyes. Melliva started to cry hardly.

"What the hell mom!!!" Leora yelled.

"How can you even think of it. How can you!!!!"

"I'm s-sorry l-leo I c-couldn't b-bear ji-jimin's h-hatred t-towards me." Melliva said crying. Leora too started to cry, if she didn't come on time what would have happened she can't imagine.

"M-mom you th-thought about j-jimin but di-did you th-think of myself?. How w-will I live w-without you?" Leora asked crying and sat in the bed like a broken person. Her heart is paining.

"I'm r-really sorry Leo. Pl-please f-forgive me" melliva said while sitting infront of her in the floor.

But leora shook her head as no while crying.

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