001. birthday || sanji

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Just like any other on the Thousand Sunny, it was bustling with cheerful laughter and cheers. Although, today was special as it was a certain cook's birthday.

The ship has just docked at an island, and they needed resources both for restocking and for the party.

"Hey, _____!" The redhead called out to you from the deck, you stepped out from your quarters to meet her. "Yeah, Nami?"

"I want you to keep Sanji in the kitchen, somehow. I mean, he'd do anything for a girl anyway so it should be an easy task." You eyed her. "Why not?" She beamed happily, throwing a smile at you. "Okay, ah, and don't let him out the deck, not even a peek! Thanks!" She then trodded off the ship, you sighed. Although you were glad the task would be as easy.

A few mates went to get the resources, while the rest started on getting the decorations ready. Your job was to distract Sanji, and you had one idea how to in mind.

Knocking on the door, you heard a hum. Given the permission, you stepped inside the kitchen and saw Sanji baking desserts. "Who's t-" The instant the blonde saw you, he went feral mode as his eyes turned into hearts for you. "Hey chef!" You greeted, approaching the man.

"_____-chan!~ What brings a lovely lady such as you, here?" He coos, putting down the knife on the chopping board.

"Nothing in particular. Though, since you're asking.. Why not bake a cake, with the birthday boy?" Sanji went wide eyes at that. Baking a cake, with you? It was like a dream come true, and of course he immediately agreed. "Anything for you!~"

"I have to say though, I'm not an excellent baker. So this should be a fun experience!" You beamed. Sanji absolutely loved your smile, he admitted he felt a little different around you than the other two ladies of the crew.

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While he was busy mixing the cream, butter, sugar and eggs together, you grabbed the flour and slapped a good portion of it on his cheek. Surprised, he faced you with a questionable gaze. "You got flour on me.."

"Sorry Sanji, it was an accident!" Not surprised, he immediately forgave you. It was an opportunity while the flour was still there, you couldn't help it. While you were busy laughing mindlessly in your head, you hadn't realize your face was covered in the mentioned powder till you heard Sanji laugh.

"You think I'd forgive you so easily after that, my dear _____-chan? If it's a flour war you declare, I will happily engage in." He smiled.

To respond, you grabbed the powder, cupped it in your palm and touched his nose. He stammered at the unexpected action, before grabbing from the same bowl and repeated the action. It went on for a good 2 minutes before it came to a halt.

"Okay! Okay, stop! The flour is almost finished!" In a fit of laughter that slowly died down, you panted and took a deep breath. Flour was practically all over both of your clothes and face, to the point you seemed like you needed a shower after this.

"Oh, geez, we went all out, huh?" Sanji chuckled, rubbing a towel over his face and dusted it with his hands after for good measure. You did the same, before noticing leftover powder on his nose that you had left on a little ago. "You missed a bit." That left Sanji a bit confused.

Slowly, you extended your thumb and softly wiped off the excess flour on his nose, unconciously getting closer. The cook felt his cheeks get hotter than lava by the second, the hairs on the back of his neck lifted all the while as he tried to look anywhere but you.

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