Daycare Distress - Hellduo Fic!

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A/N: My sister helped me beta-read this fan fiction's writing and the character's characteristics. :) She knows a little bit more about QSMP lore much more than me. I don't think I know any QSMP lore or most of the characters so if this is OOC whatever 😭🙏🏼 Anyways! Enjoy please  star/kudos and thank you!

By the way Tilin uses He/her pronouns, Dapper uses He/him and Juanaflippa uses She/her :)

"Dapper take a look at this!" Juanaflippa said holding up a drawing of poorly drawn Dapper to his face with a big toothy grin.

Dapper looked up from his microscope from which he was looking closely at a moth's cell and writing what he saw in his notes. Dapper smiled at the drawing and set it down near his microscope.

"Do you like it DD?" Juanaflippa brightly smiled, leaning over to look through Dapper's microscope when wasn't looking. She cooed at the way the cell's organelles moved back and forth.

"Yeah," Dapper said enthusiastically, breaking Flippa's amazement in cell organelles. He then scooted closer to the drawing and picked it up to look at it closer. "My horns look.. ehm.. great!" Dapper smiled awkwardly, tail swishing behind him in intervals. 

"What's wrong with it?" Flippa pouted to Dapper, her scaly-tail growing still. "The horns are a bit wonky but it's good right?" Flippa deflated in defeat, her wings started to curl inward in insecurity.

"No! No! It's really good! It's quite good I promise!" Dapper said, quickly getting up from his chair to place a comforting and warm hand of Flippa's back to sooth her distressed state.

Flippa started to tear up at Dappers slightly harsh words of criticism and her pointy ears started to pull downwards in misery. But when she heard Dappers assuring words and felt his comforting warm hand she felt a bit better.

"You promise?" Juanaflippa looked at Dapper with tear-filled emerald eyes and Dapper couldn't say no to her unresistable puppy dog eyes.

"Y-Yeah," Dapper stumbled over his words a bit, not trying to get her too excited.

"Oh, thank you Dappy!" Flippa flung herself into Dapper's embrace and hugged him so tight he almost stopped breathing.

Trust him that when he says don't underestimate her, you shouldn't. Even though she seems really sweet and kind, her physical and mental strength are beyond one's capacity, or at least that's what Dapper thinks.

Juanaflippa only gripped tighter when Dapper's tail wrapped around her leg to ground her to the floor so they didn't fall over. Dapper was barely on his last breath when she finally let go and kissed his cheek quickly enough he wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for the burning sensation right where she kissed him.

Juanaflippa skipped away with a smile on her face and her wings flapping behind her happily, now going to play with Tilin.

"You're welcome," Dapper whispered to himself, putting his clawed and pawed hand right where she kissed him as he uttered those words. His tail then began to rapidly beat onto the floor in giddy behavior but Dapper made it stop quickly by crumpling his tail into his hands.

All that repeated in Dapper's mind was when Juanaflippa kissed his cheek and the way she hopped away with joy fullness on her face. These thoughts only made his face burn hotter and it didn't help that his stark-night skin made it that much more brighter and noticeable.

"Dapper!" Pomme called, walking in the door with her father Antoine hand in hand. She finally let go when they reached close enough so Pomme didn't have to run over to get to where Dapper was sitting.

Dapper brushed off whatever friendship feelings he had for Juanaflippa when she came hopping over.

"Pomme! How are you? You seem very excited, what's up?" Dapper burdened Pomme with questions so that she didn't ask about the bright blush on his face even though he knew she would later.

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