10 Chipotle

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Disclaimer: this part mentions rape/sexual assault/domestic abuse please do not read if any of those are a trigger for you or skip to the part of the chapter I have marked with a 🩵. After that part the only thing that might be a trigger is the topic of murder. Sorry my Loves. (I have also added a 🩵 where the TW starts)
I slide into the drivers seat Buck following suite and hopping into the passenger seat, tossing his bag into the back seat. Putting my key into the ignition and hearing the familiar hum of the engine turn over I make my way out of the familiar hospital parking lot.

"Hey do you mind giving me a ride home Bobby drove me to work today" Buck says

"Sure what's up with your car though" I reply

"Flat tire my roommate took care of it though"

"Fun" I say turning back to the road as we fall into an uncomfortable silence "um hey do you want to see if Hen or Bobby want to meet us there I think we all need each other right now"

"Sure" he says and I see disappointment fall across his face for a split second before he pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Or like if you dont want to it's fine I was just.." I say only to be cut of by him putting a finger to his mouth to silence me.

"Hey Hen me and Alex are gonna meet up at the Chipotle by the hospital if you want to join us"

"Put her on speaker" I whisper

He moves his phone towards me hitting the speaker button as he does so "Did I just hear Alex are you guys in the car together??!?! Buckley I swear to god if you take away that sweet girl's innocence I will end you! Alexandra if you are there call for help I will make my way to the freaking Chipotle and sock him!?"

I am about to giggle when I feel a hand over my mouth and before I can slap whoever's hand was on my mouth out of instinct I remember I'm in a car with Evan and just accept it as he replies to Hen.

"I would never get in a car with her like what the heck Hen. She's only been driving for 8 years I've been driving for 10 im obviously the better driver, so are you coming or not."

"I'm good Buck I think I just need to go home to Karen and Denny tonight but thank you for caring. You should ask Bobby but I think he might have the same answer as me."

"Ok bye Hennnnn" he says dragging out the last letter of her name

"Byeee Bucckkk" she says doing the exact same before you hear the line click off.

"You almost gave us away" he said turning to me before breaking out laughing

I laugh with him as I turn into the shopping center with my favorite 24 hour shift meal. Hey sometimes you just need a good burrito bowl that didn't come from the hospital cafeteria. "Do you really not trust my driving skills" I laugh while I put the car in park.

"No I do but its in theme for me to say to Hen"

"True, call Bobby we are here already"

"Fine fine" he says as I pull my wallet out from my bag and he starts to call Bobby

After a few minutes he hangs up and says "he said he is just gonna go chill at home"

// 🩵 hey guys TW starts here

"Alright bet lets go Buckley" I say hopping out of the car and we both start walking towards to the entrance of the door only to be stopped when I feel a hand on my arm and a creepo 2 inches from my face

"Hey baby why dont you come home with me" he says as his other hands starts making his way to my chest. Before he can say anything else I tense up and grab his hand that was on its way to my chest twisting his wrist backwards.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" Buckley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now