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Awakening Darkness

"Sovereign of the malediction, a divinity of discord"

We stood on the shore of the sea with the generals, our eyes closed as we listened to their voices. "In your mind, envision the tree at the top of the mountain so that it can reveal the kind of magic meant for you," said the northern general.

I focused on the tree at the mountain's peak, but after a few seconds, my mind remained blank. A strong wind swept over me, and suddenly the surroundings grew hot. I felt as though I was flying, and when I opened my eyes, I was startled by what I saw: dark, yet red-hued figures.

Before long, I found myself at a tree atop a mountain. It was a frightening sight, as it had no leaves and appeared to be dead wood. The sky was dark, and thunder rumbled ominously. Each time it thundered, it felt as if someone was whispering to me. I couldn't understand the whispers, so I followed them toward the dead tree.

As I approached, the whispering stopped. "Queen of the..." it began, then fell silent. "Queen of the curse, a goddess of chaos." I was taken aback by what I heard. "What do you mean?" I asked the voice, and suddenly, the surroundings darkened, and my eyes closed again.

I realized I had gone to the wrong tree because my older brother had told me that the right one was beautiful and abundant. I tried to think of that tree again, but I ran out of time.

"Now, pick up your magic," instructed the western general. "Open your eyes," said the eastern general. When I opened my eyes, we were back in the training area. "Release your magic from your hand and show us," commanded the head general.

They raised their hands slightly to display their chosen powers. I did not raise my hand, and the generals noticed. "Princess Ziphany?" asked the northern general. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't connect with the tree at the top of the mountain," I replied.

"All those of us who are trained and born in Zigear blood can reach that tree using only our minds, but..." The general paused, his eyes widening in surprise.

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