Introduction, Summary and Chapter 1

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Hello there

This is a Naruto and Star Wars The Old Republic crossover story.

Naruto will be the descendant of two ancient and powerful Dark lords of the sith.

As for the setting, the story will begin in the Naruto series with the events of the stealing of the forbidden scroll of seals incident with a twist and the twist is Naruto is now a genin for almost a year since he was taught by Tsunade who adopted Naruto as her own son and heir than canon thus making him Neji, Tenten, a banished Nara, a banished Inuzuka and Lee's batchmates. When Naruto hears that the scroll was stolen he then decided to join the chase for the perpetrators with Tsunade, Shizune, the Nara the Inuzuka and Tonton following him close by the perpetrators who we're actually his two former academy instructors. Naruto then caught up with the two and fight the two chunins as he was fighting he tap to the dark side of the force unleashing a powerful force lightning that immediately killed the chunin via electrocution, after stopping the two traitors from taking the forbidden scroll of seals he suddenly lose consciousness just as Tsunade, Shizune who carries Tonton, the Nara, and the Inuzuka rush to the blonde boy. A character from Star Wars The Old Republic enters the fray as he felt Naruto's power he then talks to the two women and ask them if they would allow him to adopt Naruto to be his son and also teach him how to control his new and unknown power.

Tsunade fearing for Naruto's life and safety in the village reluctantly agreed but with a condition and the condition is to take them along with the blonde which the character from Star Wars The Old Republic agreed.

When Naruto was done talking to Kurama he woke up and suggested that some of his fellow jinchuriki should come with him too but by their own will which the character from swtor agreed.

Tsunade, Shizune, the banished Nara the banished Inuzuka and Tonton will be with Naruto as they too are taken to the stars along with all the jinchurikis some of by force most especially the ones from Kumo and Iwa.

The character from SWTOR will then adopt Naruto and will also marry Tsunade.

Naruto will be smarter and stronger from the beginning of the story because he is taught by Kurama as well Tsunade and Shizune Tsunade will also defy the 3rd hokage telling Naruto stories of the boy's biological parents secretly.

Naruto will be acting like an idiot infront of Sasuke, Sakura, the 3rd hokage and the villagers.

The reason why I would have Tsunade return to Konoha earlier today is for Naruto and llthe fact that she's a fellow Uzumaki and for Naruto to have a great mother figure and a family who doesn't hate him.

I don't own Naruto and Star Wars The Old Republic game.

Now with all that out of the way enjoy.

Naruto was save from being a clan less orphan by Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato, He was then save from being a team less genin by Shizune with the help of Tsunade and he was then save from potentially being executed by Darth Marr who give him a chance to have a complete family.
Now it's his turn to return the favor


Chapter 1

Naruto's life was supposed to be a cruel and harsh due to him having the nine tailed demon fox sealed inside him but he was save from the harsh life of a jinchuriki thanks to his adopted mother the slug sannin Tsunade Senju.

He couldn't be thankful enough, yet all the villagers still hate his guts and worse they glare at him whenever his mother isn't around.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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