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~Few days later~

Author pov

Taehyung is in the office checking some papers but his mind in somewhere else or thinking about yn, he is so trustfrated (lol 🤣) Frustrated because that Yeonjun yeah he is so jealous because of Yeonjun and yn bonding, he thinking about yn until jimin come in his cabin.

Taehyung is in the office checking some papers but his mind in somewhere else or thinking about yn, he is so trustfrated (lol 🤣) Frustrated because that Yeonjun yeah he is so jealous because of Yeonjun and yn bonding, he thinking about yn until j...

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Jimin: hyyy, tae what are you doing? *siting in couch*

Taehyung: nothing just thinking *staring at wall*

Jimin: thinking  *😏* about yn huh,huh *raising his eyebrow multiple times*

Taehyung: yeah, I don't know how to confess her *looking at jimin* should I messaged her that I like you? or sent a later with banquet?

Jimin: pabo, you can't tell her directly *laugh*

Taehyung: What should I do? *thinking*

Jimin: I have an idea 💡*raising his eyebrow*

Taehyung: idea? What?

Jimin: you should go on date with her *putting his hand in tae shoulder*

Taehyung: date? What kind of date? *confused*

Jimin: yah, you idiot I mean friendly date *face palmed himself*

Taehyung looking at jimin with confused look then jimin spoke

Jimin: yeah, I mean if you go with her friendly date, that you might be know her dislike or like *looking at tae*

Taehyung: yeah nice idea, jimin after few days I will go date with her *showing his thumb*

Jimin: and yeah, you have to keep that secret that you are mafia because she is so sensitive, if she know that you are mafia that make Her heart broke *worry*

Taehyung: don't worry hyung, she will never know that  I am mafia *putting his hand in jimin shoulder*


Jungkook come in without a knock

Taehyung signal jimin to keep his mouth shut

Jungkook: date? What are you talking about hyung? *confused*

Jimin: actually jungkook tae like y-

He cutted off by Taehyung

Taehyung: nothing jungkook we talking about some business meeting *lie*

Jimin: oh, tae jungkook is our best friend why you can't tell his. Actually Taehyung like Yn.

Jungkook hummed in response until he understood he widen his eyes

Jungkook hummed in response until he understood he widen his eyes

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