Scooby Doo's Haunted Pizza Parlor Birthday

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Note: This story was made before Melody D Rabbit (my new OC from my Camp Disney The Movie story) was made, so she won't be in this story, just to let you know, anyway, enjoy the story.

 As the sun began to set, the lights began to turn on, and at a Chuck 'E Cheeses Pizza parlor, there was a shadow of what looked like a big mouse, being seen through a window before walking away. Outside of the parlor, there were a group of young Toons walking up to the parlor. The first one was a young Toon Fox boy named Tommy D Fox (voiced by Tara Strong), the second was a Toon Mew girl named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), and the last two were Toon hyena twin boys named Jokey D Hyena (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Tom Kenny). With the Toon kids was an elderly and friendly Demon Dragon named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and he was the one who keeps them safe from their enemies, the Demon Trio. Boney 10: "Well... here we are kids, Chuck 'E Cheeses." Gidget: "Wow, the place where you can play games and eat pizza at the same time..." Tommy: "The place where kids like us can be kids." Jokey: "I can already taste those yummy pizza slices." that was when a van came to the scene, and out came a group of teenagers and a Great Dane. The first teen was Fred (voiced by Frank Welker), the second teen was named Daphne (voiced by Grey DeLisle), the third was named Velma (voiced by Mindy Cohn), and the last teen was named Shaggy (voiced by Casey Kasem), and the Great Dane was named Scooby Doo, and together they were known as Mystery Inc, or meddling kids as their enemies call them. Fred: "Looks like we're here." Daphne: "Nice place to have your birthday party, Scooby Doo." Scooby: "Thanks, he, he, he, he." Shaggy: "Like I can already taste those chocolate covered pepperoni toppings on my pizza." Velma: "Yuck!, your stomach must be made of scrap iron." said Velma, before she and the others noticed the Toon kids and Boney 10. Gidget: "Oh my gosh... it's Scooby Doo!" Tommy: "Wow!, the famous talking dog detective!" Scooby: "You've heard of me?" Tommy: "Heard of you?, we loved your cartoons, they make spooky mysteries fun to watch." Shaggy: "Dig that Scooby, like our shows still have some fans." Scooby: "Yeah." Fred: "Who might you be?" Tommy: "I'm Tommy, and this is Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, and last but not least, Boney 10, our guardian." Boney 10: "So you're the famous Mystery inc... pleasure to meet ya." Fred: "Thanks, now let's go inside and have a party." Jokeo: "What for?" Shaggy: "Like it's Scooby's birthday and we picked this place to celebrate it." Gidget: "Scooby's birthday?, that's great!, mind if we join ya?" Daphne: "Not at all, let's go." said Daphne, before she and the others went to the doors of the parlor, but Velma noticed the closed sign. Velma: "Jinkies, they're closed." Fred: "That's odd, it was opened when we got here, right?" Boney 10: "Yeah... how odd..." Shaggy: "Oh man... I guess we'll have to party someplace else... that's a real shame." Scooby: "Yeah..." suddenly, someone with a flashlight, which was a security guard (voiced by Casey Kasem) came to the scene. Daphne: "Who's that?" Fred: "It's a security guard." Tommy: "Does this mean we're in trouble?" Shaggy: "Like I sure hope not..." Security guard: "Hey kids, what are you doing out here." Fred: "Well we came to celebrate Scooby's birthday, but the place is closed." Security Guard: "That's odd, I'm not supposed to close up till another 2 hours." Gidget: "Guess someone decided to close early." Security guard: "That can't be possible, I'm the only one here... aside from you guys of course." Boney 10: "Really?, but if that's true... who closed the place?, and why?" Fred: "Well gang, it looks like we have a mystery on our hands." Shaggy: "Like I was afraid you were gonna say that..." Scooby: "Me too..." Gidget: "But think of it this way, if we solve this mystery, we can finally celebrate your birthday here." Scooby: "Good point." Tommy: "Boy this is gonna be fun, solving a mystery with the legendary Scooby Doo..." soon, the group went into the parlor and it wasn't long before they went into the security room, where there were some monitors that shows different parts of the parlor. It wasn't long before Fred touched a button and a steel door automatically closed up quick with a loud slam. Fred: "Wow... you sure have a tight security here... the burglars must really love the pizza." Security Guard: "It's not burglars I'm after... but what's already inside." Daphne: "What do you mean by that?" Security Guard: "Well... you might think it's crazy..." Velma: "We faced many strange things, I'm sure we can handle it." Security Guard: "Alright... it all started a few nights ago, when one of the robots here started to act strange, as in old Chuck himself." Fred: "Act strange how?" asked Fred, before the Security Guard showed the group the images of the security videos. Security Guard: "Well you see, by day Chuck works like normal, but at night... he won't stay put... but not only that... each night, a child vanishes at night whenever the robot runs off... some believe that the robot is kidnapping them." Velma: "Really?" Tommy: "Kidnap?" Boney 10: "Hmm... I wonder if..." Fred: "Don't worry, we'll go find this robot and stop him, we can get Scooby to sniff him out... hey... where is Scooby?" Daphne: "And Shaggy for that matter?" Gidget: "Say... I don't see Jokey or Jokeo anywhere here either..." Tommy: "They must have wandered off." Velma: "We better find them before that out of control robot does." meanwhile, elsewhere at the Pizza parlor, Shaggy, Scooby, Jokey and Jokeo were wandering around the arcade place, searching for the kitchen. Shaggy: "Like isn't this great Scooby, spending the night at a pizza parlor, this is way better than a haunted house." Scooby: "Yeah, best birthday ever." Jokeo: "Any idea where the kitchen could be?" Jokey: "Let's just follow our noses and we'll find the pizza." said Jokey, before he and the others went off to the kitchen, unaware that they were being watched by the Chuck E Cheeses robot, who was hiding behind one of the arcade games. Once they got to the kitchen, Shaggy and Jokey were looking for some pizza, while Scooby and Jokey were looking inside a cabinet. Scooby: "Anything?" Jokey: "Nope, just some pots and pans." said Jokey, before he tossed a pot away, which lands on top of Shaggy's head. Jokeo: "Hey watch it!" Jokey: "Oh, sorry..." said Jokey, before he noticed something on the ground, and took a sniff before tasting it. Shaggy: "Like what is it?" Jokey: "It's pizza sauce, and there's a trail of it." Jokeo: "I think someone must have been here before we did and took the pizza this sauce came from." Shaggy: "Then let's see where it goes." said Shaggy, before he, the hyena twins and Scooby follow the trail, and Scooby was the one sniffing the trail. It wasn't long before they got to the end of the trail, which was at a wall, and Scooby bumps into the wall. Jokeo: "Looks like the trail ends here." Jokey: "Maybe whoever took the pizza went through this wall..." Scooby: "Like a... R-R-Roast?!" Jokeo: "You mean... ghost?" Scooby: "Uh huh." Shaggy: "Like what would a ghost want with pizza?" Scooby: "I don't know." Jokey: "Maybe we could ask him." Jokeo: ""Who?" Jokey: "Chuck E Cheese of course, cause he's right there." said Jokey, as the others turned around to see the Chuck E Cheese robot, which scared the heck out of them. All: "Ahh~!" yelped the group, before they make a run for it, trying to run away from the robot, which begins chasing them all over the Pizza Parlor. Meanwhile, Tommy, Gidget and Boney 10 were searching for the twins, when they noticed a moving shadow up ahead. Gidget: "What's that?" Tommy: "I don't know... do you think it could be the twins?" Boney 10: "I don't think so... it looks too tall to be either of them..." suddenly, Tommy leaned on a wall, which revealed to be a secret entrance to a secret room. Once they got inside, they see cages with lots of kids inside them. Tommy: "Hey, they must be the missing kids that the security guard talked about." Gidget: "Hey... look here..." said Gidget, before pointing her flashlight on the ground, revealing some footprints on the ground that looked like Boney 10's, only bigger. Tommy: "I wonder who made these..." Gidget: "This has to be a clue..." Boney 10: "It's the only clue I need to figure out who's behind this..." Tommy: "Really?" Boney 10: "Yes, but I won't tell as I like to see if you can figure it out." Gidget: "Sure thing." Tommy: "Uh... guys... I think we should run..." Gidget: "Why's that?" Tommy: "Him..." said Tommy, as he points at the Chuck E Cheese robot. All: "Ahh~!" yelped the trio, before running for their lives as the robot begins chasing them. Elsewhere in the parlor, Fred, Daphne, Velma, and the security guard were searching for the robot, but had no luck. Fred: "Hmm... so far nothing... wait... what's that?" asked Fred, before he and the others noticed what looked like a pitch fork leaning on a wall. Velma: "That looks like a pitch fork." Security Guard: "That's odd... what's a pitch fork doing here?" Daphne: "Yeah, it does seem a little odd that something like this would be at a family rated pizza parlor." Fred: "Something tells me there's more going on here than just oddly behaved robots and missing kids." Daphne: "Speaking of oddly behaved robots... there he is!" said Daphne, pointing at the Chuck E Cheese robot, who begins to run away. Fred: "After him!" called out Fred, before he and his group begins chasing the robot. During the chase, the robot took the wrong turn and bumps into Velma, who dropped her glasses. Velma: "Ah!, my glasses, I can't see a thing without my glasses." said Velma, before the Security Guard came and picked up the glasses and puts them back on Velma. Security Guard: "Is that better?" Velma: "Yeah, thanks." that was when the robot came out of nowhere and captured Daphne, and begins to run off with her. Daphne: "Hey!, get your hands off of me!" Fred: "Hang on Daphne!, we're coming!" called out Fred, as he and the others chase the robot and Daphne. Elsewhere in the pizza parlor, Shaggy, Scooby, and the hyena twins tried to hide under a table, but the Chuck E Cheese robot finds them and the chase continues. Back with Tommy's group, they were running for their lives from the Chuck E Cheese robot, before they went to a hallway with some doors, and they went to different doors before the robot does the same thing, and somehow they came out of different doors of the other side of the hallway, before running away again. It wasn't long before Tommy's group and Scooby's group bumped into each other, and were now cornered to a wall. Shaggy: "Well Scooby... we're as cooked as a pizza pie..." Scooby: "Oh no..." said Scooby, as the robot got closer, before somehow another Chuck E Cheese robot appeared and bumps into the first one, and it was holding Daphne, who was trying to break free. Tommy: "What the?" Gidget: "There's two of them?" Jokey: "Talk about seeing double." Shaggy: "And like one of them has Daphne!" Jokeo: "Why would there be two Chucks?" Boney 10: "Perhaps it's because neither of them are really what they seemed to be." said Boney 10, before another Chuck E Cheese robot, the one that Fred's group was chasing, came to the scene and collides with the first two robots, allowing Daphne to free herself, and then the robot trio crashed into the wall, leaving a big hole that shows the secret room that Tommy's group discovered earlier. Soon, Fred's group came to the scene, and they were surprised to see not one or two, but three Chuck E Cheese robots. Fred: "Look at that, there's three of them." Velma: "How about that." Daphne: "And look, a secret room." Security Guard: "And all of the missing kids." Tommy: "Yeah, me along with Gidget and Boney 10 found this room when we ran into the robot, or one of them as it seems..." Security Guard: "Yes, that's the real mystery, what's going on with the robot?, and why are there three of them?" Velma: "Only one way to find out... and that's the unmasking." said Velma, before she pulls the masks off to reveal a Riolu, a Bunnelby and a Raichu. Tommy: "The Three Pokémon Stooges?, that can't be right." Boney 10: "No, they're really..." said Boney 10, before he pulls the stooges masks to reveal... Gidget: "The Joker?!, The Green Goblin and Darth Vader?!" said Gidget in shock and confusion, while the Joker laughed in an evil and crazy way. Boney 10: "Okay... now this is just getting silly." said Boney 10, before he pulls off the masks to reveal three demon dragons like him but bigger. The first one was red named ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second was blue named ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the last one in black was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were the Demon trio. Tommy: "The Demon Trio!" Jokeo: "Oh now that makes more sense." Shaggy: "Like you know these guys?" Tommy: "Yeah, they've been after our souls since Camp Disney, and it seems they're doing some soul stealing here." Gidget: "Yeah, that footprint we saw earlier must have been one of them." Fred: "And we found a pitch fork leaning on the wall." Jokey: "And there's three of them." Security Guard: "But I thought they were robots." Velma: "They had us fooled too, but the robots were really just them in costumes that had spring locks to make them look like robots by day." Shaggy: "And like spooky ghosts at night." ScreamClaw: "Yeah, and we would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids." ThunderSmacker: "And SpaceWarp knocking into us." SpaceWarp: "S-s-sorry..." Security Guard: "Well thanks for your work kids, I'll be taking these creeps to the station." ScreamClaw: "I don't think so." said ScreamClaw, before he reached out his claws, and the pitch fork that Fred was holding got pulled away from him and went into the demon's hand, and then the trio got surrounded by flames. Once the flames faded away, the Demon trio were nowhere to be found. Velma: "They're gone!" Shaggy: "Like they just vanished!" Scooby: "Yeah... vanished..." Gidget: "Yeah... but I doubt we've seen the last of them..." Security Guard: "We'll worry about them later, right now, let's have that birthday party that you came here for." Tommy: "Good idea." so with that, the group went to have the birthday party for Scooby Doo, and everyone was having lots of fun with the games and the pizza. Soon the birthday cake came and Scooby went to blow out the candles, before Jokey ate the whole cake with one bite. Scooby: "Hey!" Jokey: "Sorry... couldn't resist..." Jokeo: "No problem, I thought this might happen, so I made another one." said Jokeo, showing the group a second birthday cake. Shaggy: "Like you sure can cook." Jokeo: "Well I have to, as my brother loves to eat." Shaggy: "Funny, so do me and Scooby, right buddy." Scooby: "Yeah." Tommy: "Hey Scooby... can I say it with you?" Scooby: "Say what?" Tommy: "You know... your full name." Scooby: "Oh, okay." Tommy: "Alright!, he, he... Scooby and Tommy: "Scooby Dooby Doo~!" called out Tommy and Scooby Doo, as the story comes to a close.


There you have it folks, the story of Scooby Doo's Haunted Pizza Parlor Birthday, I hope you all liked it, and I hope you'll all enjoy my other stories too, BYE!

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