Chapter 1

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Brothers in Arms Brother as Heroes

Summary- Harry thought his life was over. That just when things should have been going the best for him, everything that had come crashing down around him instead. With the added insult of a dagger in the back along with that. But what happens when, because of what he felt was the worst thing that could have happened to him, Harry finds himself getting the one thing he had always wanted; a family? Sure, it came with a lot of different quirks, both figuratively and literally, but it's got to be better than what he had before...right? Harry Potter/ My Hero Academia crossover.

Disclaimer- I do not own or make any profit off of either Harry Potter or My Hero Academia.

A.N-I am writing this because of the wonderful stories Pulled to the Future by Cyber Psychic which I really loved and inspired me to write this story.

A.N.N- I am unsure about the pairings that are going to be in this but it most likely going to be a mixture of different pairings for different people. Be it male/male pairing, male/female pairing or female/female pairing. There also might not even be a pairing at all in certain cases as well. Just letting you know this before you start reading altogether.


Shivering slightly, Harry cursed and attempted to keep some of the little remaining warmth he had within him, actually in him. Despite the icy breeze and nearly frozen rain that seemed to cut through the little amount of shielding he had managed to get to rob him of said warmth. Often times feeling like icy blades in the worst of places as it did so.

Trying his best to ignore this feeling, Harry curled up in as tight a ball as he could to minimize everything that was going on. Clutching the thin nearly destroyed black robe he currently had around him as tightly as he could get it.

Doing his best to ignore the fact that said robe was nearly completely soaked, something that was a near constant if Harry was honest with himself. Not to mention seemed to be made almost completely of strips of clothing more than anything else. While at the same time seemed completely caked in all kinds of filth; which was most likely the thing that was hold the 'robe' together in the first place.

Not that it honestly was able to help Harry all that much, because despite how much he tried said robe barely covered any of his otherwise naked body. And there for offered him little to no warmth; nor had it really ever been able to. Even if Harry never stopped trying.

At the moment all Harry could do was try his best to ignore all of this and try to be thankful he even had the worn and torn robe in the first place. After all, with it he at least some form of cover. More than they'd want him to have anyway. As said cover while not giving him much warmth, did give him a small sense of comfort having it on to begin with. Which again was something They really didn't want him to have.

Seeing as They seemed to want to break him more than anything else and taking the very little amount of covering, he currently had; despite how little it actually was. Would have most likely seemed like the perfect idea to help push him further into the dark cavern of madness that he was already on the very edge of; that the world around him seemed bound and determined to push him headfirst into.

In fact, despite how little the cloak in question was, Harry felt that losing it could end up being the straw that broke the camel's back. At least when added with everything else he had already suffered through from Their hands. Not to mention everything else he had gone through in the Hell he had to call his life.

Currently Harry, as he curled into himself and attempted to both stay warm and to stop the effects this place had on him from overtaking him. Tried his hardest not to think of how he ended up in the situation he was in, and had been in for the last six months, had actually began.

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